Hmm. Just remembered a couple of notes I made, and then forgot in the tide of emotion in the rest of the film, at the return to Edoras.
The first was in response to a restored scene in EE TTT, when Theoden says to Gamling, paraphrased, "this is not a rout. We shall return" to Edoras. And here they were, come home again.
The second was a strong desire to catch even a second's glimpse of Haleth, son of Hama, and Éothain, the boy who brought his sister, Freda, from the burning village to warn Edoras. Freda was safe in the cave, but both boys fought at Helms Deep. I wanted to see that one or both survived, just as a matter of hope.
Um, I am new to this thread, so I don't know if this has been posted or not. A friend sent me this link.
Happy New Year, all. I saw the movie yesterday. A couple of quick questions, as I haven't read the books yet:
1. Where did the elephant army come from, what is its origin? And the men riding them seemed even more evil and relentless than the orcs and the urok-hai, which up to that point had been portrayed as most evil and relentless. They turned and ran in the big battle.
2. That army of the dead. Simply awesome.
3. Where in tarnation is Saruman? Alas, Christopher Lee escapes Yoda AND Gandalf on the silver screen!
Where in tarnation is Saruman?
The EE DVDs, one fervently hopes.
Where did the elephant army come from, what is its origin?
From the lands to the south of Mordor-- Near and Far Harad. And I suspect the men riding them were much more cocky than the orcs because they were riding giant elephants, and the orcs were not.
I know
be more cocky when riding a giant elephant, though I'd worry if I saw a girlie elf-dude anywhere on the battlefield.
He was NOT girlie.
Except in the elegant killer sense of the word, I suppose.
You can't be a metrosexual when you're crushing on the King to Be and accepting the marriage proposal of your dwarven lovemuffin.
Big *gay* elf-dude, but not girly.
"I know I'd be more cocky when riding a giant elephant, though I'd worry if I saw a girlie elf-dude anywhere on the battlefield."
How true, in a way.
The way Jackson portrayed Legolas in the trilogy, we get treated to at least two acts of badassery from that man. In LOTR, we get introduced to rapid-fire archery and the ability to see far off into the distance. Then in 2T, we get treated to precision engagement standoff rapid-fire archery and equestrian stunts. Then in this movie he takes on the elephant.
Was I the only one having a Hoth battle flashback during the fight against the big elephants, with riders of Rohan being the snowspeeders and the elephants the AT-ATs?
I have reached high geekdom with this post. Somebody behold that.
Was I the only one having a Hoth battle flashback during the fight against the big elephants, with riders of Rohan being the snowspeeders and the elephants the AT-ATs?
See above: "Did we learn nothing from the invasion of Hoth?"