The Curve of Binding Energy is about the nuclear power industry, and the security and other dangers inherent in disposing of the waste.
Huh. I liked it more when it sound like that book where they had the houses of sex professionals.
Still, I suppose it could be interesting.
trying to stop a volcano using seawater.
This does sound interesting. The ocean does it all the time, but that is probably not what you are talking about.
It's one of the essays in McPhee's The Control of Nature, which I have kicking around not quite finished somewhere.
huh. Amazon informs me that Stephen R. Donaldson has a new Thomas Covenent book out. I guess he realized that no one wanted to read his ponderous rape fantasies.
Um. Okay, but (spoilers for whole series)
isn't Thomas Covenant dead? Pushing up daisies? Pining for the fjords?
Wasn't Thomas Covenant a rape-oriented series too?
I wouldn't say that about the whole series, ita. But it depends on what you mean by "rape-oriented." A rape (with the anti-hero Covenant as rapist) occurs early in the first book of the first series, and there are significant consequences (you could even say its shadow hangs over the series). But that's the only one I recall.
So if "rape-oriented" means that a rape is a key event, yes. But if "rape-oriented" means that there's one rape after another, no.
I used oriented to try and back off themed. Not sure what the right word really is. Inspired? Tainted? Coloured?
I thought about that also, but decided that since, in the Covenant books, the rape was a Bad Thing, and only happened the once, I file it in a different category than the space series, where the chick gets raped and raped and raped, and starts to really dig on it, and we're supposed to align with the rapists POV.
There's anti-heroes, and then there are assholes.
I *think* this Covenant book is a, um, pre-quel. A la Star Wars.
I *think* this Covenant book is a, um, pre-quel.
It would kind of have to be, no?
I still resent the fact that despite completely hating Covenant, and completely hating the story Donaldson was telling, I still couldn't put the books down until I finally flung White Gold Wielder across the room.