is it true that there are Wiccan chaplains in the military? Somehow I'm having a hard time believing that.
A quick google is finding a few Wiccan prison chaplains, but no military ones yet. Most of the hits I'm getting are just that the military chaplains handbook recognizes Wicca as a religion, and a few hits on "The military lets the Wiccas do ... but they won't let the [fill in more mainstream religion here] do it."
t edit: semi-x-posty
I've got a friend who isn't a chaplain, but who leads a Wicca circle on an Air Force base (or did, for a decent stretch of time) as a civilian.
Results of the Guardian's Kill off Dumbledore contest.
I was just about to link to that Dana. Damn you.
I love the A.A. Milne one.
The Zork one is hilarious.
The Sappho one is hysterical.
Some of them (like the ones that've mentioned) are good, but most are fairly disappointing, I think. The Palahniuk one is all wrong. And I'm annoyed at all the misspellings and comma splices.
I liked the Chaucer one:
So began the Dark Lorde's awfolle gloatyng,
And standarde baddeguy showéboatynge,
"But not todaye, you little shytte!
Payn's true meanynge, thou shalt wytte!"
There's a fun HP quiz here. I found it pretty easy--only one question gave me a few minutes pause.