Right. In the case of "Zeroville," it's a story that makes much more of symbol than of the "is it or isn't it supernatural?" question. I liked it a lot, although I imagine it needs a good background in film crit to be really comprehensible (it's about a film editor, and he makes a lot of references).
David, can you recommend other of Erickson's work? Has he written any novels?
David, can you recommend other of Erickson's work? Has he written any novels?
He has written many novels.
I liked his earlier ones
Days Between Stations
Rubicon Beach.
Arc D'X
was a very ambitious and interesting take on the whole Thomas Jefferson/Sally Hemings relationship as Metaphor For America. Not entirely successful but interesting.
eta: Erickson's done a lot of journalism and film crit too, which is what you're sensing in his writing. He's also a fan of the Love And Rockets comic and Francesca Lia Block's YA novels.
This dick needs a giant cluesticking. "Hogwarts fans, you're stupid, stupid, stupid"
Of course IIRC, he hates PBS kids' programs too.
What's the Buffista crack for the registration?
Huh. I didn't hafta register. I'd imagine it's the same as NYT buffistas/foamy
bugmenot.com is always a good bet.
This dick needs a giant cluesticking. "Hogwarts fans, you're stupid, stupid, stupid"
Oh my God. I hate that guy. Wow. Talk about...I don't even know. Grr.
Wow, that was a monumentally stupid article. IMO, the worse line of the whole thing was:
I'm sorry you were born too late for J.K. Rowling, but you had your C.S. Lewis and E.B. White and J.R.R. Tolkien. Isn't it a clue that you should be ashamed of reading these books past puberty when the adults who write them are hiding their first names?
Ummm....yeah. Better go clear those children's books like
The Elements of Style
Till We Have Faces
off my shelves right now.
t rolls eyes forever
Yeah, you should be totally ashamed of reading
The Great Gatsby.
Not to mention T.S. Eliot, E.L. Doctrow, W.H. Auden, etc.