What do you recommend to start with?
Small Gods
is very good and is outside the usual cast of characters, so you don't have to go, "Now, who is that again?" If you want an easy introduction to the major players of the city of Ankh-Morpork,
focuses on people other than the usual players but you get to meet several of them anyway.
There are three major casts that I've noticed: the Witches of Lancre with Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, and a couple of others; the faculty of Unseen University, the Wizards' university; and then, my favorites, the City Watch of Ankh-Morpork, with Commander Vimes and Lord Vetinari and assorted watch-folk and politicians.
Small Gods is very good
Sounds good. I'm going to the library tomorrow, too, so I'll see if they have it.
Small Gods
was my first Pratchett, and I enjoyed the hell out of it.
I just started
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay,
like, FINALLY. It is, of course, damn good.
Yeah. I still swear Chabon has a separate alphabet
And well, not anal. My records aren't even in alphabetical order.
I can vouch for that, which was a real bugger when I was trying to raid his collection on the way through. From now on I'm calling him Ozymandias, because I gazed upon his works and despaired.
Re Pratchett, I tend to recommend
Wyrd Sisters.
For it is damn funny, and indicates that the guy can handle a plot as well.
Youse guys probably already did this, but I will still recommend
Perdido Street Station.
It is weirder than me. That should not be possible.
Well, babe, we only have your word that it is.
And you're biased. Wouldn't want to get in "contrapment"
Okay, show of hands. Which of the two characters on this book cover is speaking the title sentence?
No book title should ever have "Uh..." as the starter word.
You both know that's a Photoshopped parody, right?