And you think Illumantus! doesn't? Illumantus! makes fun of everything.
The distinction is in my second sentence. The word "affectionately". Illunantus has affection for conspiracy theories - thinks that in a fundamental way they may provide good insights on reality. Pendulum has no affection for conspiracy theory. Sees them as a fundamentally totalitarian attitude towards life. There is a degree of anger in Pendulum that is not in illumantus; I find it the better story. Of course I always thought there was a lot of hot air in Illumantus - that losing about half the wordage would have improved it immensely. So a personal literary judgement here as well.
Oh and what I came to Literary for:
Ken Macleod has noted that Romantic Times has really good coverage of Science Fiction. (When they reviewed him he checked out the issue and noted that they do good genre reviews in general.)
I've just signed up for a subscription to RT, mostly because they're so very comprehensive in their romance reviews that it's wonderful market research for which publishers are printing what. I'll have to take a closer look at their SF reviews.
Has anyone read Smoke and Shadows, by Tanya Huff? It's a supernatural thriller set in Vancouver, on the set of a vampire detective show, with a couple of characters who seem--80 pages in to the book, anyway--to map rather well to Angel and Wesley. And of course, the protagonist finds the latter incredibly hot.
That sounds like fun -- is it good? Or have you read it yet?
I'm about a quarter of the way through it. It's fun so far. Huff wrote other books with the protagonist as a secondary character, and now she's focusing on him. There are little throwaway references to other shows that really are filming in Vancouver, and a fair bit of techie color.
The cover for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was released today and yahoo has an interview with the illustrator, Mary Granpre.
Has anyone read Smoke and Shadows, by Tanya Huff?
That sounds like something I'd normally be interested in, but
the potential to conflate it with RPS in my head
may keep me away. Do any really familiar personality quirks creep in?
Considering where the show in Smoke and Shadows is set, I'd
think it maps more to Forever Knight than Angel.
Also, there's a character in the book who's based on a filker I know.
(Tanya Huff auctioned off the right to have a character named after you at FilkOntario a few years ago)
Do any really familiar personality quirks creep in?
Familiar to the actors? It's hard for me to say, since I don't really follow the DB and AD stuff that closely. The character who would map onto AD is referred to as more slender than the one who would map onto DB. Neither character in the book is married, and there's been no mention of cute red-headed actresses or chicken fear in either of their lives. Also, the director, writers, and studio owners don't seem to resemble anything I've heard about the Mutant Enemy folks at all. But there are references to the characters' leather outfits in costuming. So far for me there's been just enough similarity to give me a giggle.