Do any really familiar personality quirks creep in?
Familiar to the actors? It's hard for me to say, since I don't really follow the DB and AD stuff that closely. The character who would map onto AD is referred to as more slender than the one who would map onto DB. Neither character in the book is married, and there's been no mention of cute red-headed actresses or chicken fear in either of their lives. Also, the director, writers, and studio owners don't seem to resemble anything I've heard about the Mutant Enemy folks at all. But there are references to the characters' leather outfits in costuming. So far for me there's been just enough similarity to give me a giggle.
Heh. I like this line:
"Afficiandos of over school-leaving age can preserve a facade of literary respectability by investing in the adult version"
Though I must admit, having a copy with a photo of a battered copy of Advanced Potion Making on the cover would amuse me.
If your biggest problem is looking like a geek reading on the train(?) how much do I want that life?
So . . . troubles with Snape and some battle involving Dumbledore . . . Maybe Snape's the Prince. We're still not clear on if Half-Blood=part Muggle.
Snape is a Slytherin, and Slytherin is for purebloods. (Except for Tom wossname.)
I find it interesting that, with Harry's mom being Muggle-born, nobody ever quibbles about Harry's lineage. And why have we never heard more about the Potters? Was his father an orphan only child from a long line of only children?
Perhaps Harry's father was disowned for marrying a mudblood.
If your biggest problem is looking like a geek reading on the train(?) how much do I want that life?
So you never pick books based on their covers? I totally do -- if I have a choice between a movie tie-in version, and a plainer trade paperback, I'll get the trade version so it doesn't look like I pick books based on what's at the theater. And if there's more than one edition of a book, I always go for the prettiest one. If I had a choice, I'd get the adult HP, too.
I admit this may make me shallow. But I like pretty books.
Well, not really.
I get stared at a lot. You stop trying to figure out which thing after a while.
But it's true that I tend not to buy the actor covers.