A Scholar of Magics and Mairelon the Magician are not related to Sorcery and Cecelia (The Enchanted Chocolate Pot) in any way other than by being written by the same people.
A Scholar of Magics is the sequel to A College of Magics, both by Caroline Stevermer. Mairelon the Magician is by Patricia C. Wrede. They co-wrote Sorcery and Cecelia and have a sequel out, called The Grand Tour. (I've forgotten the sub-title.)
Nutty, Knut had a story published here: [link] and here: [link]
He also recently started a quarterly mag. If you need his e-mail address, I should be able to find it.
I'll be starting a subscription to Ellery Queen soon. For SF/Fantasy, I've liked Analog and Marion Zimmer Bradley's mag (can't remember the name) in the past.
Amy got me Chocolate Pot and Grand Tour for Christmas. Are the others in teh same universe?
Amy got me Chocolate Pot and Grand Tour for Christmas. Are the others in the same universe?
I don't think so, although Mairelon might be, now that I think of it. I didn't like it all that much, so I haven't re-read it. Mairelon the Magician has a sequel called Magician's Ward.
I like Stevermer's writing much more than Wrede's, so I enjoyed the joint efforts more than Wrede's solo books.
LCRW is already on my list, due to my acquaintance with the editors/publishers of it.
For SF, there are the SF magazines, such as Analog and Asimov's, which are all about short fiction. There are similar mystery magazines. A quick browse through the literary section of the magazine stand at Borders or B&N (or similar), would turn up lots of options.
See, though, I am looking to winnow for quality and type. Both Analog and Asimov's are too broad; and there are too many magazines out there. The question is, which are the best ones, the most up my alley?
Connie, next up is:
The Grand Tour : Being a Revelation of Matters of High Confidentiality and Greatest Importance, Including Extracts from the Intimate Diary of a Noblewoman and the Sworn Testimony of a Lady of Quality
by Caroline Stevermer, Patricia C. Wrede
In a similar universe, I believe, are the College of Magics series by Stevermer:
A College of Magics
A Scholar of Magics
When The King Comes Home
Nutty, you know Kelly Link?? I adore her.
I talked to her over the weekend, at Boskone. Not only do I "know" her -- i.e., I have chatted with her at conferences a couple of times --, the first time we met, I knew who she was but she paused and looked at me funny and said, "Did you used to shop a lot at Avenue Victor Hugo [local book store]?" And that was how my first chat with her began.
She and her husband Gavin both used to work there, at a time when I shopped there like twice a month.