So, should I read the things, or what? The Hamilton books, that is?
Ehh. I don't think they're worth it. I enjoyed the first few, but gave up when the porniness started getting icky and the repetitiveness bored me rather than giving me the literary comfort food effect.
I keep thinking the Gentry books in the library need a bright red "Weird Sex on Every Page" sticker.
wierd sex, no less.
So, should I read the things, or what? The Hamilton books, that is?
I am ambivalent. On the one hand, there is good story stuff going on there. On the other hand, they've gone downhill. It's like she has a good idea, and either gets writer's block or bored, so starts using sex scenes as filler. I don't have a good sense of what happened in the last book because I did so much skimming over the sex scenes that occasionnally, I'd miss a plot point.
Deb, read the first. If it's a good bathtub book, read the others until you get bored.
Boring bondage porn.
Yes, heaven save us from pretentious fic!dommes. Some people really wear those garter belts a bit too tight.
Now, for entertaining weird sex & horror, I would suggest
Control Freak
by Christa Faust.
I did so much skimming over the sex scenes that occasionnally, I'd miss a plot point
Ditto. How sad is that?
It's awfully sad that I didn't spend that precious time on a better book. I dumped my hardcover copy of whatever the last LKH was called (Narcissus in Chains??) because I couldn't remember anything that had happened. Hey, I needed shelf space.
I would never call my book that because I think it would sound like "Narcissist in Chains" but maybe that's just me.And I liked The Sex, but that was my first one ever, that came from Casa de Tep. I don't know that I would like books and books of it. I did wonder if every other woman in town dropped dead, though. Where were they?
Deb, what Betsy said. At least give the first one a try, because she did (used to) have a snappy fast-paced style of storytelling. I think it started going bad in book seven, but that could just be me.