A little waah for Book. But recovered pretty quickly, considering. Way bigger waaAAAAAAAh! for Wash; my previous guess had been that one one crew death was likely, two would be more of a surprise in a single movie.
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
amych, there was plenty of WAAH! for Book when I first read of his demise, but it was eclipsed by the OMGWTFNONONONO!!!!!!!! for Wash.
One reason I don't mind being spoiled for HSQ moments in general is that it makes it easier to keep one eye on unspoiled friends' reactions to the HSQ. This can be highly entertaining.
is that it makes it easier to keep one eye on unspoiled friends' reactions to the HSQ. This can be highly entertaining.
Oh, god yes. I still remember the GILES!!!!!!! heard 'round the world.
I read the whitefont. Thank you Jen!!! I have the advantage of a horrible memory and will likely experience the HSQ despite the spoilage. Also, sobbing now.
Oh, god yes. I still remember the GILES!!!!!!! heard 'round the world.
Oh, yes indeedy. My one regret about Serenity being released in theaters rather than on TV is that there won't be a watch'n'post.
I still remember the GILES!!!!!!! heard 'round the world.
That was so awesome.
Huh, managed to make it two hours, but read both the HSQ spoilers from later, so I figured it wasn't going to make a difference.
Damn, now we'll never get Book's backstory.
I know it, Frank. And he was always my favorite . Or my favorite who was not Mal or Jayne or Zoe or Wash or Kaylee or dammit I love them all. Maybe even Inara, sometimes.
Oh, I read somewhere else that there WAS sound in space. Is that the case?
It really does not sound like Joss plans this to be a series of movies; that is really tying up all the loose ends. BTW, as this is supposed to be a hardcore spoiler section, do we really need to go on whitefonting? Can we just make a note that if you don't want to be spoiled, don't scroll past this post in the HARDCORE SPOILER thread?