The coy is killing me. Slowly, but still.
Being the over-curious, stick-my-nose-anywhere type person that I am, I have been skimming all sorts of places, picking up dregs and whispers from the screening. Not that it's served me anything, because the stuff I've found consists of 90% "You don't want to be spoiled!" and 10% purposeful misleadings. And I judge those 10% based on what I perceive to be not-as-trustworthy sites and the tone of those dishing, plus dismissing what I simply don't want to believe. ;-D
Now I'm being coy, but nobody wants me rumour-mongering; my rumour-mongering gets me in all kinds of trouble and I promised myself I'd stop.
But at least, now, I know there's ship-kissing and explosive thingies, so it's all better. Hah!