I won't post any spoilers. You all so need to NOT be spoiled.
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
Originally posted by Oddjob at Whedonesque:
Okay, I have two minor spoilers, and I'll cover a major spoiler but in a veiled sort of manner:
- I went ahead and used my stopwatch, and from the start of the Universal logo to the end of the film when the credits were briefly shown then cut off, I'd say the film was about two hours and five minutes long.
- I was really impressed by the long take at the start of the film (watch the opening of The Player and you'll see what I mean). The opening scene took place as one continuous camera shot, starting with Mal and Wash from the cockpit of Serenity, and following Mal as he talks to Zoe, Jayne, Kaylee, and Simon(?) throughout the bowels of the ship, ending with River in the cargo bay. So you were introduced to several of Serenity's crew in a take that lasted a good three to five minutes? I wonder how many times that scene was filmed?
- The biggest issue I had with the screening tonight is that I *really* hope that the film stays as-is, the way Joss envisioned it in his script... Pure Unadulterated Joss(tm). Because judging by the reactions of many of the fans who were in the audience, I have a bad feeling that their input is going to wreck the key reason why a certain plot point happened in the film... it was written to prove that this is not your typical sci-fi genre film, and that anything is possible... and if it's taken away, it's not going to give that sort of unpredictability to it.
I think I know what you are talking about and I agree with you. I hope they don't change it.
Unsubbing now, because, well, don't wanna be spoiled.
I wanna see the movie NOW. Perfect, unadulterated, Firefly/Serenity.
sobs, and unsubscribes to the spoiler thread
Spoil me. If I can't have no new Joss till next year (and a long ten months it's going to be), then I wanna know stuff now. The last season of Angel comes out in a coupla months, and that's just not going to carry me through.
There are only so many times a week I can watch the entire Firefly DVD set, honestly.
There are only so many times a week I can watch the entire Firefly DVD set, honestly.
You're just not trying hard enough.
You're probably right! Must get distracted by...I dunno...what's more important than Firefly?
Not a damn' thing.
I won't post any spoilers
GAAAAAHHHHH!!! Butbutbutbutbutbut... t points to thread header butbutbutbut... Spoiler. Thread. Pleaseferfucksake! Spoil! In full gory detail!
Sorry, I won't do it.
THere was action and fighting and stuff.