What a plot shift! River as heroine. Perhaps she'll save Simon, too. That would make a friend of mine very happy.
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
Good theory! I am thinking that River will save the day too.
It is to be kinda all about River, no? So I vote she puts them in jeopardy, and pulls at least some of them out.
I like that, ita. It has balance and the potential for lots of good lines.
Drat. I'd so hoped that Joss would buck Hollywood tradition and not actually show them, even if they're the villains of the piece.
Matt, I saw the trailer twice at ComicCon and barely had time to register that I was seeing a Reaver. I wouldn't have even known that, if I hadn't first seen the face of one on the website of that graphic artist (help me here, people).
The screen shot only confirms what my brain had trouble registering from the speed of the teaser.
Okay, so I'm going through the teaser with a fine tooth comb.
- Mal's line "Violence is going to be soon" sounds just like something he could have said on the show-- I now have no worries about the script.
- There's quite a lot of static/background rumble, so I didn't hear every word as clearly as I'd like, but I'm sure I heard Wash's voice and Kaylee's.
- Any thoughts on the mysterious white/cream glowing ball? (about 0:06)
- The guy Inara's talking to must be, um, the guy who's name I've forgotten but whom we knew was cast.
- Serenity racing another ship, right?
- All the cast except Book are clearly there-- Mal, Zoe, and Jayne all have guns in evidence; Simon has something blow up in front of him; River is strapped to a chair and several other places, including climbing; Inara's in several shots; Wash is in his pilot's seat; Kaylee's in the group shot (0:15), behind Inara. Book I think is there, but I can't see him right now.
- At 0:29, there are two white-clad figures, very blurry, at the back of the shot. Any thoughts?
- At 0:05, Zoe goes from pointing the gun at the camera to being framed by a monitor-type-frame, as if we're seeing her on a secruity camera. Break in of some kind, or is she on Serenity?
- A general impression of lots of explosions.
- Finally-- I am in love. There will doubtless be more thoughts soon.
Wheeeee! I just watched it. I can hardly see or hear a thing that's going on, and yet I am still bouncing up and down in my chair with barely contained excitement! Must now rewatch a zillion times and see what I can extract from it!