I think we differ on whether it's critical background or not.
'Never Leave Me'
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
Willie mentions that Angel is going to need a few days to recover
Yeah, but Willy could have just been doing what many people do, stating an opinion on what Angel looked like, not basing it on knowing Angel's tolerance.
Yeah, but Willy could have just been doing what many people do, stating an opinion on what Angel looked like, not basing it on knowing Angel's tolerance.
Could be, but when was he ever again weakened by ANY amount of indirect sunlight? It's kind of like how the Master is the only vampire we've ever seen that left bones. Sure, he was old, but so was Kakistos and he dusted completely (not to mention Uber-vamps).
But, guys, I think what they're saying is that people weren't spending Season One or Season Two saying "What's with the sunlight deal? Why are they being inconsistent? Why doesn't someone explain the sunlight rules properly? What's it all about?" because it seemed, taken within the context of itself, rather than set against as-yet-unwritten episodes, to make sense and be consistent. Whereas clearly many people find the Companion thing not to make sense or be consistent, and to be jarring because of the big fat explanation that is felt to be missing.
perhaps it was the intensity of the reflected light in the small room? Maybe he had made a couple of escape attempts? Maybe duration in the reflected sunlight....
Short periods in filtered light might be OK, whereas long term exposure that close takes a lot out of a vamp?
Daniel, you fanwank with the best of them. Funny thing is, a vampire is invisible in a mirror, but sunlight reflected in a miror should be enough to turn a vampire to charcoal. Right??
it seemed, taken within the context of itself, rather than set against as-yet-unwritten episodes, to make sense and be consistent. Whereas clearly many people find the Companion thing not to make sense or be consistent, and to be jarring because of the big fat explanation that is felt to be missing.
What Fay said. I'm not complaining that new things are being introduced; it's a new show. Lots of new. I'm complaining that things are being introduced without enough pointy arrows to tell us which direction they are headed.
(Whereas, Blue Hands = bad, Alliance = skeevy people in funny hats, that allwas clear.)
I just downloaded and watched the UK version of "Heart of gold." They cut a scene. There was about 30+ seconds of Mal and Nandi having sex removed. I checked on the binaries newsgroup and yep, edited out.
Bad BBC, no biscuit.
Bad BBC, no biscuit.
Not the BBC, Sci-Fi. As it happens. Though the BBC is terrible about cutting Buffy.
Mind you, I have to say I think I can live with 30 seconds less Mal/Nandi sex.
They cut out a bit in Serenity with Inara 'servicing' a client. It was only a few seconds, and I think their reasoning was that it was shown before the watershed. I wonder what their excuse is in this case.