Willow: Something evil-crashed to earth in this. Then it broke out and slithered away to do badness. Giles: Well, in all fairness, we don't really know about the "slithered" part. Anya: No, no, I'm sure it frisked about like a fluffy lamb.

'Never Leave Me'

Firefly Spoilers  

Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.

DCJensen - Aug 04, 2003 2:55:52 pm PDT #348 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

I was not so much attacking Consuela's viewpoint as pointing out other ways to see the points that she brought up. We differ, and there have been good points made.

Plus? I don't know if it might be a factor, but they were given two episodes extra to do, and then there were a lot of negotiations and behind-the scenes negotiating going on. Perhaps a little more time and the threat of canellation didn't lend itself to rewrites, reshoots and all over energy that less of the crap flung at the production would have engendered.

Fay - Aug 04, 2003 2:56:48 pm PDT #349 of 1424
"Fuck Western ideologically-motivated gender identification!" Sulu gasped, and came.

Bloody Fox.

DCJensen - Aug 04, 2003 2:57:39 pm PDT #350 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

More the WB, IIRC.

DXMachina - Aug 04, 2003 3:09:54 pm PDT #351 of 1424
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

How was the WB involved? Firefly was produced by Fox and aired on Fox. It might've had a chance on the WB.

Griffyn - Aug 04, 2003 3:10:35 pm PDT #352 of 1424
A person's concepts should exceed their vocabulary, or what's a metaphor?

What I got out of this episode was a call back to Kaylee's question to Inara about the Companion rules on dating. Inara said 'It's complicated.' Well, we find out here that Inara doesn't like complications. This leads me to believe that Inara left her home because she fell in love with someone and that's what brings her onto Serenity. And she figured that with Mal being the way he was when he was getting things started, there was no way she could make that mistake again. But then she got to know Mal. And started to love him. And the whole cycle continues until Inara learn to quit running and face reality. Make her own choices for good or for bad and live with them. This is why I believed Inara breaking down. That was the moment she realized that she loved Mal and the whole cycle was starting all over again. Everything she's running from, coming back to haunt her with just a different face.

I had lots more to say about the Ep, especially concerning companions and their place in the 'verse, but Fay just said it all for me. Bless Fay.

DCJensen - Aug 04, 2003 3:17:55 pm PDT #353 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

You're right DXM, IDRC

Griffyn - Aug 04, 2003 8:32:18 pm PDT #354 of 1424
A person's concepts should exceed their vocabulary, or what's a metaphor?

Wow, I expected more of a discussion (agreement or not) about my Inara theories. Must have hit the UKers just as they were going to bed or something. Maybe I'll return from tomorrow's outing to find all sorts of elaboration. Or maybe not, I suppose time will tell.

Allyson - Aug 04, 2003 9:03:23 pm PDT #355 of 1424
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

"Tell me I'm pretty?"

"Were I not wed I would take you in a manly fashion."

"Because I'm pretty?"

"Because you're pretty."

I've only read this, and not seen it. But I can hear it and see their facial expressions and how they play it, imagine it all because it's exactly the conversation these characters would have. They're all sort melty in your mouth individual truffles in a freshly opened box and some are rolled in chocolate sprinkles or finely chopped hazelnuts, filled with surprising combinations. You bite slowly into each one, expect cherry or vanilla creme, and get raspberry liquer, instead, and it's better than you thought it would be, but the chocolate goodness is expected, and whatever's inside is a gift.

Except Inara, who is carob filled with a marshmallow peep.

Am-Chau Yarkona - Aug 04, 2003 11:51:58 pm PDT #356 of 1424
I bop to Wittgenstein. -- Nutty

Heart of Gold. Interesting episode.

First, the notes I made last night, having watched:

Inara, especially-- I know some folks here don't like her, but I think she's getting more interesting every moment. She's running from something, she's conflicted, she's fallen for Mal, she's trying to leave... I just hope (since I know that next week's epsiode will be the last one t howls and weeping , and that due to my holiday, I won't see it for nearly two weeks) that we get at least a little closure on that in Objects in Space. And at the beginning, she was all teasing and snark with Mal and his guns. I wasn't sure about the crying scene at first, but it does sort of fit.

Wash and Zoe were great, too. My Zoe-has-a-baby fanfic just took a huge leap closer to canon! I've been, err, anti-jossed? The trap was great-- I actually had half my mind on wondering what they were burying a wire in the dust for, and suddenly-- pop! Answer! Chaos!

And Jayne, of course, and his girl-- I wish I caught her name, because she was fun, taking all the gun talk in her stride-- and Simon-- darling Simon, taking over from nearly-panicking Mal: I can deal with this, Captain.

The explanation for why the crew aren't using lasers satisfied me-- it was one of those things I'd decided to ignore in any case, because it wasn't spoiling anything, but to have an explanation is far preferable. I had one nitpick-- in the scene where Nanda(sp?) got shot, one minute there was a baby there, the next minute, Mal and Inara are looking at the body and there's no baby, no baby crying, nothing. I'm fanwanking that there was someone else behind for Inara to hand the baby to, but it looked odd.

The shiny house was good, too. Especially Jayne's reaction.

And I love the way Mal's attitude changed when they weren't just whores, they were independent whores.

And then replying to other people's comments:

"You're my kind of stupid" -- very Mal Reynolds.

Wasn't it just? And so wonderfully delivered.

If the planet is populated by misogynists who fixate on fatherhood issues, why are there male whores? The male members of the community would never allow for the women to visit the boys for fear of cuckolding.

For the male members of the community who happen to swing that way. Okay, that's a small section, but there were far fewer male whores than female.

As she said to Mal, part of her job is to be relaxed about sex. She's not supposed to get emotional, and when she saw what had just happened, she realised just how deep her emotions for Mal went, and that if she wanted to keep an emotional distance, she was going to have to leave Serenity. Much to be upset about, methinks, though why she feels the need to remain emotionally distanced, we'll never know, I'm guessing.


Yeah, okay, that jarred with me too. I'd been airbrushing over that in my recollection of the ep, but -- yeah. That was bad. Also inexplicable -- I can buy Jayne spending the night gleefully wallowing in shaggage, but I'd totally have expected Kaylee to stay in her own quarters rather than a tumbledown house. Probably Zoe and Wash too.

This is true.

The episode isn't "oh, wow!!!" in the way that, say, Out of Gas was. It's decent, good even, but not great. I enjoyed watching it, but it didn't ping the HSQometer even once, which suggests the plot wasn't as good as some have been. It's saying something, though, that this may be the worse episode of Firefly produced, and I still love it.

wewantfirefly - Aug 05, 2003 12:30:17 am PDT #357 of 1424

oh my god... just got completely hooked on firefly, woke up this morning singing the title music. Decided to find out who it was by and found out the show has been cancelled! The injustice of it all. I propose we barrage Fox with e-mails until a new series is commissioned. In all fairness though its probably my fault, everything I start liking seems to get finnished... crispy pancakes for example (but they're back now, apparently), and you try getting hold of a packet of seabrooks crisps in this day and age? By the way if anyone knows Joss's e-mail address can I have it cos A. I would like to pledge my undying support for the great show that is firefly and also my mum is an actress and would like a part.