Plus I used to work at the Law School, a few blocks away from the Great Lost Bear, and live even closer.
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
Do the Joss people ever =stay= dead?
Joyce. Tara. Doyle. Jenny.
ETA: I suppose I could be misunderstanding your question.
Buffy, Spike, and Angel were the people sfmarty was probably referencing there. Let's put it this way--if you don't die cataclysmically/superdramatically, you aren't coming back, and even then it's 50/50, I'd say.
Buffy/Angelverse death does appear to be a relative state, but the Fireflyverse is emphatically vamp, ghost, were-anything and mystic portal-less, and the only way back from death we've seen so far is if you are killed by your mortal enemy who happens to have a lot of handy high-tech gadgets around with which to revivify you so he can recommence with the torture.
Which, please, not our Wash. Leave him rest, poor thing.
Not if Kahn tries to get hold of the Genesis project.
Not if Kahn tries to get hold of the Genesis project.
Phhht. So 1980s. You know the true secret to eternal life is Rambaldi. Or at least to not be one of Sydney's "not-in-the-business" friends.
Darla, the Master, Lila.. but I was being um, err. Firefly universe is quite different. I miss Walsh already and I haven't seen the film.
I have learned to trust Joss's skills tho.
Of course there are always prequels (ducking)
I miss Walsh already
Joe had a couple of decent hits, but personally I'm glad he's retired.
Hey, folks. Long-time sporadic lurker here. (Prove my cred? OK. I love me some Nilly. 'Nuff said?) I'm new to this whole fanfic thing but I had to share this. Saw the preview screening in Chicago and I'm not ashamed to say it really shook me up. Don't think I've been rattled like that by a movie since The Fisher King. Anyway, I hope you like this bit of wishful thinking. (I also posted this in in a slightly different form.) Let me know what you think.
That which is is a shell floating in an infinitude of that which is not." -Sir Arthur Eddington, physicist, 1928
(someday #137)
She won't stop leaving tokens for Zoe. She won't stop purring. She won't stop singing from the catwalks. Russian, I think. Whenever we land, she climbs to atop Serenity, stretches her arms wide and calls to the far horizon. Zoe still isn't speaking.
Jayne, if you can believe it, has been a godsend. He keeps her busy. They fight with sticks. When she inevitably wins she squeals this unearthly squeal because it means she gets her reward, climbing him like a shady tree. She scampers right up there, puts one foot on a shoulder and the other atop his thick skull, then he tries to shake her off without using his hands or tools of any kind. If he tries to cheat, which he does, she punishes him. Hard. It is an experience just to witness it. Yesterday, after his huffing surrender, she slid her legs down each side of his head, plopped down on his shoulders, bent over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You should have seen his face. Then she sprang back up, launched herself to the underside of a catwalk, jackknifed and was gone into Inara's shuttle in the blink of an eye, leaving just a whisper of a giggle hanging in the air.
"Dang," was all he said for a second. I try not to think about this. "I don't think she was wearing any underwear." On the bright side, at least now I know what my stomach lining tastes like.
Zoe, meanwhile, won't leave Mal's side. She doesn't say anything. Just stands there and does what she is told. Won't or can't make eye contact with anyone. Captain won't talk about it but the strain is showing on him. When he says work's done, she turns on a heel and goes straight to her quarters.
I don't think she's there at all.
I've begun hearing the engine hum in my dreams. Kaylee claims that means I'm officially a space dog now. Something in a Pekinese or so she says. You know what else she said to me this morning? "Lordy, I could lick every inch of you." How can anyone not love her? She makes rations seem a lovely feast.
But back to my original thought. The tokens. River leaves these little treasures outside Zoe's door in the morning. Every day. For some reason, Zoe lets them sit all day but picks them up very carefully and takes them to bed with her at night. They're nothing really. Scraps bent into vivid shapes. Frenetic sculptures that fit easily into the palm of your hand. Zoe must have dozens in there by now. I've never seen River actually make one but she goes absolutely ballistic if anyone besides Zoe touches one, even the Captain. And she'll know it from anywhere on the ship, if you foolishly do. I can't explain it but it feels like they are having a conversation.
If one absolute good has come out of all this pain and madness, besides getting the jackals off River's back, its that Mal and Inara talk, finally. Not banter, taunt or insult. Talk. As if it were pouring out of them. Mostly when Z is in her bunk but not always. And I think Z might well be responsible. You know how Mal can get, but before she fell silent Z really got on him about the waste of it. I'm ashamed to admit I overheard this conversation. On this ship it's hard not to sometimes.
"You two don't need to hide your happiness from me, sir."
"We're not..."
"In point of fact, I rather wish you wouldn't."
"Hmm. Uhhh."
"Life is short." Mal said nothing to this.
"Life is short. If you're not man enough to handle that, you aren't the man I thought you were, siiir." As far as I know, those were the last words she actually spoke. River started the treasures the next morning. Something akin (continued...)