Consuela is me. Only better with words.
Xander ,'First Date'
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
But you're much better with cats.
I'm sorry you didn't come on Saturday, Perkins -- we had a lovely time. (Which reminds me, must upload pics from camera.)
Plus, I'm the nice one. Just ask ita.
Me too, on the sorry I couldn't come. My hair appointment in Los Gatos lasted until after 11:00. (yes, I did spend 4 hours at a hair appointment), so by the time I got there, it would have been time to go.
Did you wind up with good hair?
I think so, though you wouldn't have guessed it from the way I looked on Sunday morning. I like the color, but I need to work on learning how to style it right.
Good hair is important.
Good hair is v. v. important. (And I thought you looked great Sunday.)
Thanks, Betsy, but Sunday was definitely a "I've spent 2 minutes on it, that's long enough" hair day. It looked much better on Saturday, and I am hoping I can get it close to that tomorrow.
Has anyone posted this? A shitload of reviews at AICN: [link]
I like this part of this review just because it is well written and says what a lot of us can relate to:
eta: x-posted with Firefly, as I just realized it's spoiler free.
It is so obvious that every scene in this movie was made with genuine passion for the material, that it makes me feel like my very minor complaints (which I'll go into in the spoiler section at the end) aren't even worth caring about.
Above all else, *that* is why I will tell you to see this movie. The passion. If you read this site, you're like me in some way. You love some aspect of fandom, you love some show, some comic, some movie, *something* enough to come here and read these reviews and flame each other in these talkbacks and speculate about casting decisions for movies that may never get made. You have felt this passion for something, and it's left its mark on you. And I'd bet that you've probably been let down at some point when something you felt so passionately about was handled badly. Whether it was a poorly-adapted novel, or a TV show that lost its way, or a promising concept that got focus-grouped apart and put through the wringer of the Hollywood process until the soul of it was bled dry and all that remained was the trappings of something you could have once loved. If you really care about the stuff that gets reported on this site, you probably know what that's like.
Well, that didn't happen here. There's a damn good reason why so many Firefly fans who've been to the preview screenings are raving about this movie. It's because this thing we feel so passionate about has been beaten down by the system and survived intact. The very existence of this movie is a big Fuck You to the shallow executives at Fox who tried to scuttle the series. It is a living testament to the power of fandom, an example of what can happen when word spreads and suddenly this thing that was written off by the people in power has a million advocates shouting its glories so loudly that they can't be ignored.
Fuck yeah.
So right.
I'm so glad I went to the Big Damn Preview. No matter how shiny the finished product is, nothing is going to beat those moments when the lights came down, Joss's "You may call yourself browncoat" speech and the huge Braveheart style cheer that followed it. Then the sheer kickassery of the movie, so worth it.