Someone mentioned upthread that this season was going to be attempting to repair canon....even to the point of explaining Klingon physiology.
'Time Bomb'
Boxed Set, Vol. 1: Smallville, Due South, Farscape
A topic for the discussion of Farscape, Smallville, and Due South. Beware possible invasions of Stargate, Highlander, or pretty much anything else that captures our fancy. Expect Adult Content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.
Ah, so instead of "High School Is Hell" the theme of the season will be "We're sorry, Trekkies—PLEASE come back!"
At least for Enterprise. hee.
I read they're actually going to do an episode explaining that this season.
Somehow, this pisses me off more. Probably because there's almost no way I can conceive of them doing this that isn't going to be half-(or quarter) assed.
So, due to a lot of you, I'm catching up on BSG. I resented and disliked the mini because of Firefly fallout. And also, the original show was part of my halcyon days of tv-watching, back before I HAD critical faculties. I mean, Starbuck pretty! Hey the helmets look like pharaoh's headdresses! Ooo, that brown velvet sure goes nice with Starbuck's shiny hair, Apollo's pretty eyes, and Boomer's--everything. I really loved the triumvirate of Starbuck, Apollo and Boomer. One scene (the ep with the Barillian Nomen--however you spell that) of a tandem quickdraw, one righty, one lefty, in the same breath--ooooo.
And this new remake was messing with all that (That the old show was crap was irrelevant, because a lot of tv back then was crap, and almost ALL sf tv was, so we took what we could get--uphill, both ways--and were grateful for it). I mean Apollo is now Lee? This is a hero's name? And my Kinsey may not be where it used to be, but I'm sorry, Boomer and Starbuck were yummy--girls now, nsm.
But you guys keep talking, and I tend to listen, and I love Eddie Olmos and Mary McDonnell, and well, curious. So I'm watching, and trying to catch up, and trying to give it a chance. And tonight I'm all into it, and I realize...
...Man, the music! They're ripping off Firefly's music! The Indian-influence stuff. Yeah, it suits, but still. Mad again now.
Still watching, though.
Reed Diamond's going to be on Medium next week.
Well, Enterprise also mucked up the Klingons in that "T&T" established that, yes, the Klingons used to look like TOS Klingons (one of the great throaway jokes in that ep - "We do not speak of it!"), and then Enterprise has to go and use the current Klingon makeup. Feh.
Actually, my own personal fanwank (which occured pre-Enterprise) accounts for that. I figured that the whole galaxy succumbed to some sort of Bad Fashion virus, which, for the Klingons, resulted in a bizarre plastic surgery fetish.
I read a comic years ago wherein the bumpy headed Klingons and the smooth headed Klingons had a barny and the smooth headed were banished. How crap is that?
I mean Apollo is now Lee? This is a hero's name?
Somewhere, Lee Majors is crying in his Wheaties.
I read a comic years ago wherein the bumpy headed Klingons and the smooth headed Klingons had a barny and the smooth headed were banished. How crap is that?
Especially since it's canonical that Kang, Koloth, and Kor were all smooth headed in TOS, and bumpy headed on DS9. And just to bring it back to BSG, the John Colicos played Kor on Trek, and was Count Baltar in the original BSG.
I read a comic years ago wherein the bumpy headed Klingons and the smooth headed Klingons had a barny and the smooth headed were banished. How crap is that?
Well I'd certainly banish SOMEONE for unleashing that big purple dinosaur that causes tooth decay on the world.