I just watched the first half of
The Peacekeeper Wars.
There's not enough "Eeeee!" in the world, quite frankly.
I was worried that I wouldn't understand what was going on, but I've seen all the relevant episodes apparently, because it seemed to make sense. Well, as much sense as Farscape ever does.
I'm watching (TiVo-delayed) the BSG mini right now, and, uhm... I kind of like it. A LOT.
Damn. Like I need a new show.
I watched 33 yesterday. I *just* have enough time to watch Water right now, but I think I'll take a nap instead.
I like the tension and the realizm in the fatigue of the characters in "33" and "water", but the tone is so relentless that the show threatens to become kinda boring. I hope there is room for some B5-style humor to be woven in.
I missed 33 and I don't think I'm in the mood for Water. Although, I wish I had figured out that it was on tonight so I could have taped it.
There's not much I want to tape and watch right now, but I can't ever remember when anything is on, I think I need to tape a schedule by the tv.
OK, just finished watching the mini on TiVo. That was
I don't know who the heck is playing Baltar, but he's such a ringer for Alexander Siddig, I do a little double-take whenever I look at him. The British accent doesn't help. (He's *good* though. The whole set-up with Baltar and Six is creepy as fuck. I love it.)
It grieves me to notice this because I'm always psyched to see Asian actresses play non-stereotyped roles, but Grace Park's Boomer is a bit of a weak link in the cast. Not the character--obviously there's going to be interesting development with the character, but the actress doesn't bring that much to the table. She's not *bad* per se; just unexceptional compared to the very good actors she's surrounded with. Maybe she'll improve.
I don't know who the heck is playing Baltar, but he's such a ringer for Alexander Siddig, I do a little double-take whenever I look at him.
I actually had to go IMDB for the actor, because I knew it wasn't Siddig, but... I just had to make sure. It's distracting. I think his name is James Callis. Something like that.
I thought 33 rocked. I think I remember liking the mini OK, but not being bowled over. But the first ep of the season? I really liked it. I was surprised how much.
I thought it was Siddig at first, too. I was disappointed to be wrong.
I like what I've seen so far, and I think it has a chance with talent like Olmos and McConnell anchoring it. I love the soundtrack.
Alexander Siddig should be added to the Stargate cast. Maybe Janet's replacement...
McConnell continues to shine, I think. She's just great. And while I don't think I thought poorly of Grace at any point, I think she does some good work in the later eps, so you may see that as an improvement.