Have you no zen to spare for Aquarium?
Hee. Oh, some, in the sense where I don't much care about them, and I'm only watching to keep up here and with my flist. My flist is all squee squee McShep, Rodney the Woobie, yada yada.
t yawn
I just don't share the enthusiasm, really. If it ended tomorrow I'd be...
t examines self carefully
nah, I really wouldn't care much. I mean, Sheppard's kinda cute, and Weir is growing on me, and McKay and the Czech scientist are fun, but...
t shrugs
Of course I wouldn't be too upset if SG-1 were cancelled, either, because it had a good run and I'm worried about S9.
Rodney the Woobie
Yeah, it's... well, I do like SG-1, and I figured Atlantis would be like methadone when S8 was over. Only, S9? Huh. Even though I don't know the what and wherefore, I do worry. I suppose there's always the option to just quit watching, only I know I won't.
Except hair that makes me want to cut off her head and hang it from the side of my chariot.
This has my vote. Double points if we all get to watch Suela steer a four-horse hitch around the streets of Oakland.
From your fingertips to Gekko's ears, Nutty. Sadly unlikely.
Salieri wrote me the most ridiculously cute story ever.
I love it and want to take it home to live with me. Especially with the fellness and the swoopiness.
The Earthsea discussion was here, right?
I wonder if the people who made the film of The Lord of the Rings had ended it with Frodo putting on the Ring and ruling happily ever after, and then claimed that that was what Tolkien "intended..." would people think they'd been "very, very honest to the books"?
Le Guin on the sci fi adaptation
I don't do single malt. Maybe tequila.
I have just officially frightened myself with the depths of my Trekkie geekery. I had the TV running in the background tuned to the SciFi channel, and moments ago identified which particular scene of "The Corbomite Maneuver" was airing, sight unseen, by overhearing the score. Help me?
Um. I'm not sure there is help for that. But, if it makes you feel even the slightest bit better, the TV is on in the other room, and I did identify that it must be tuned to the Sci-Fi channel, because I heard the electronic boinb-boing/thump-thump sound of the life signs monitor (with the red triangles that move up and down) above the beds in the sick bay. Now, that's not all that spectacular, I realize. But the TV's not loud enough for me to hear anything else.
Else I might have been closer to the place of geekery where you are. But, the specific scene? No. That's pretty rarified.
I just turned the channel to see Kirk and McCoy tryiing to have a quiet drink and keep getting interrupted, including Yeoman Rand coming in to insist on the captain eating something.
I sometimes forget about those little moments of "life on the ship" business.
I don't do single malt. Maybe tequila.
I'm out of scotch and may not have time to get any tomorrow, since I'll probably be in the office. Tequila may have to do it for me, too.
Argh. This is so horrifying. And I'm told by Laura Shapiro that ... they call Ged "Jed" throughout the movie. Not Sparrowhawk. Jed. Because of course no one could have a name that starts with a hard G. Like Gary. Or Gil.
t tears hair