Boxed Set, Vol. 1: Smallville, Due South, Farscape
A topic for the discussion of Farscape, Smallville, and Due South. Beware possible invasions of Stargate, Highlander, or pretty much anything else that captures our fancy. Expect Adult Content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.
Shep/Teyla? Oh, GOD. But that's my standard Teyla response.
As for Shep/Weird -- I was kinda refreshed to read no
unplatonic chemistry in Hot Zone. It was just like they were arguing. Respect, intense disagreement, and unresolved conflict.
It was kinda like real life. Maybe it's because their
differences seemed like they could have major impact, whereas bickering seems much more shippy.
Well, halfway into the first season.
My standards are too high. I look at Firefly and think, halfway through the first season, we had a solid handle on every single character, and if we didn't know all their backstories, we at least knew pretty well how they would react under most circumstances. We also knew what they all sounded like and how they differed from one another.
SG: Atlantis? NSM. We know Weir, Sheppard, and McKay. The rest are pretty much blank slates.
I think we know Teyla too, as well as we're going to get to.
I didn't like the first half of the Atlantis season. They were just a dumb bunch of clucks running around space. I'm really liking this half, though -- sure, I don't love episode 15, but eh.
They're damned lucky they spun off SG1, and are on the Sci Fi channel. Those are the only reasons I still watched.
My standards are too high. I look at Firefly
Well, yeah. But my expectations of Atlantis are so not anywhere near what my expectations were for Firefly. Have you no zen to spare for Aquarium?
They're damned lucky they spun off SG1
Sure. Though, I will say, I think they've got some gems in terms of characters and chemistry. That's been enough to keep me watching (might not have ever started had there never been an SG-1, but then there never would've been an Aquarium. So.) And, of course, if the second half is getting better story-wise (have I mentioned that I can't watch it yet? Yes? Sorry.), then yay.
Have you no zen to spare for Aquarium?
Hee. Oh, some, in the sense where I don't much care about them, and I'm only watching to keep up here and with my flist. My flist is all squee squee McShep, Rodney the Woobie, yada yada.
t yawn
I just don't share the enthusiasm, really. If it ended tomorrow I'd be...
t examines self carefully
nah, I really wouldn't care much. I mean, Sheppard's kinda cute, and Weir is growing on me, and McKay and the Czech scientist are fun, but...
t shrugs
Of course I wouldn't be too upset if SG-1 were cancelled, either, because it had a good run and I'm worried about S9.
Rodney the Woobie
Yeah, it's... well, I do like SG-1, and I figured Atlantis would be like methadone when S8 was over. Only, S9? Huh. Even though I don't know the what and wherefore, I do worry. I suppose there's always the option to just quit watching, only I know I won't.
Except hair that makes me want to cut off her head and hang it from the side of my chariot.
This has my vote. Double points if we all get to watch Suela steer a four-horse hitch around the streets of Oakland.
From your fingertips to Gekko's ears, Nutty. Sadly unlikely.
Salieri wrote me the most ridiculously cute story ever.
I love it and want to take it home to live with me. Especially with the fellness and the swoopiness.
The Earthsea discussion was here, right?
I wonder if the people who made the film of The Lord of the Rings had ended it with Frodo putting on the Ring and ruling happily ever after, and then claimed that that was what Tolkien "intended..." would people think they'd been "very, very honest to the books"?
Le Guin on the sci fi adaptation
I don't do single malt. Maybe tequila.