Damn, this is the ep I haven't seen yet. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Highlight!
As for the whole inappropriate slash goggle thing, you have no idea how horrified I was when I got to the last episode of Band of Brothers and found myself seeing Winters/Nixon slash. RPS involving decorated military heroes. Can't get any lower than that. (But really, if this were a fictional series? Those two have all the hallmarks of a *great* lasting slash pairing. The overwhelming pretty. Deep friendship despite radically different personalities. Humor. Angst. Kick-ass chemistry. Willingness to go the distance for the sake of the friendship. Annnnnd here I go again with being squicked.)
Gah! Was reading Stargate whitefont and it turned into Spooks whitefont!
I haven't gone seeking Atlantis slash yet, but Brighid's Sheppard/McKay story turned me into happy mush.
In an attempt at procrastination:
Profile of Paul McGillon, who plays Dr. Beckett (Although I still think of him as the cutie-patootie husband from "Small Potatoes".)
1. The show took America
by storm?
O-kay. Whatever you say, Bob.
2. Huh. So his Scottish accent is genuine-ish. I remember people railing at his "bad Scottish accent" after the pilot. Guess it's sort of like Glen Quinn and his Irish accent.
3. "It's 12-hour days mostly, and that's brilliant as it lets you do other things." What other things?? Either the dude is on crack or my work ethics have really taken a dive recently. If you sleep 7 hours of the remaining 12 hours of the day, that leaves you with only 5 hours for commuting/eating/TV-watching!
Maybe the 12 hour days let him have 3 or 4 day weekends?
Huh. I have discovered that Azureus
deleting the torrents. But since it seems to be making a copy of the torrents before downloading, and deleting that copy, what do I care? I want the file I opened off!
Huh. I have discovered that Azureus is deleting the torrents. But since it seems to be making a copy of the torrents before downloading, and deleting that copy, what do I care? I want the file I opened off!
Yeah, I was going to mention that. It's just weird. the only solution I found was to either toss the original once Azureus copies it, or to save the original to the Azureus directory so it doesn't have to.
Either way? Too many clicks. Unless I run the file from the download box, I guess.
Atlantis is all set to have a second season announced due to the strength of the first five episodes -- an unheard of happening in U.S. television.
That's rare, but not unheard of, right? I mean it doesn't sound as if they'd yet made it official at the time of reporting, so the same could be said of Desperate Housewives and Lost after their initial ratings for the first 5 episodes. ABC execs would be certifiable not to give either second seasons.
Did we know that Steven DeKnight is working on
this year?
I wonder if that explains the very
like aspects of this episode.
Chloe looks older and I can't think of why. . . is it her hair? Or the outfit?
And was that Tones on Tail playing under that ad for the WB's showing of
The Wizard of Oz?
"No More Tales to Tell". . . or am I confusing Tones on Tail for a later Daniel Ash/David J project? (Or do I mean Tones on Tale? I really can't remember.)
Actually I meant Love and Rockets. They were the ones with "No new tale to tell" -- meanwhile, Tone on Tail = "Go" to me.
And what is it with the Luthers and their penchant for
white suits
Okay, Chloe,
I think it was the outfit -- different outfit and she no longer looks older than she is.