But could you really look a pretty fifteen year old Welsh boy in the eyes and tell him that? Are you that cold?
I think, ita, the phrase you are looking for is, "You! Bounce on down offa there and into my pants."
I am not especially particular to the guy, so I would just ask him to bounce towards someplace where I would be confident he wouldn't hit his noggin on the ceiling.
"You! Bounce on down offa there and into my pants."
Okay, eww, I don't say things like that to fifteen year olds.
For the record.
Okay, not fifteen. (I forgive a 15 year old far more in the dorky sports department, but in my mind's eye he is an adult.)
(My god, what would someone that tall and skinny look like as an adolescent?? He would fit inside a pair of pants with room for a whole nother person. In a non-porny way.)
Eh -- I know enough guys who ended up 6' and his apparent size (well, smaller -- he's pretty buff) and were perfectly normal (if lean) teenagers.
Tanith, Vonnie. And no, I didn't think he was fabulous either. I think it's the goa'uld thing. They're too much with the arrogant blowhards to be that attractive, even the smarter ones. Osiris is really the only one I thought had a lot of physical presence in that evil kind of way. Even Ba'al didn't do it for me, although he was pretty.
have been a hottie too, judging by raw materials. But I never got the impression that the male goa'uld were supposed to be attractive, other than in a sheer power way.
The females are straight trollops.
Camulus had potential, but it seems it was squandered.
Right. I recall going, "but that's a girl's name!" at the time.
I think Tanith had a potential to be interesting, since he was crafty and knew how to bid his time instead of being all, "KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD, OR ELSE!!". Unfortunately, SG writers are not renowned for writing good villians--with possible exception of Harry Maybourne, who was a cardboard character as a villain but turned interesting when they made him into the Trickster figure of SGverse.
It's too bad they made such a hash over the whole Ba'al subplot early this season, 'cause I found him interesting (in addition to teh pretty) in "Abyss". As for my fondness for Osiris, I suspect it has more to do with Tripoli's "The Cost of Doing Business" than the canon.
I kind of wish the SG folks would wise up to how much a compelling, layered, long-term nemesis figure brings to the table in a genre show like this. A Scorpius or a Sloan would have made the show so much better.
Camulus had potential, but it seems it was squandered.
Perhaps they were hampered by the only women present that he could direct hottitude toward not being the sort that would buy into a charming enemy's line of BS?
ita, what does this mean:
He holds an Advanced Level Stage Fighting certificate.
And is pole vaulting a dorky sport? It is an Olympic Event (but then I saw Trampolene at the Olympics this time round):
Represented Wales in the national club finals for pole vaulting.
(Two more tidbits from PW's Imdb bio.)