BTW, am I the last person to know that Lexa Doig and Michael Shanks are married? She just had her baby.
wait, wait! is Lexa Grayza? i had no idea!
Vonnie, i totally agree with your spoilish spec about Grayza's little peanut.
I do not like Sikozu's hair. she was so pretty with that other hairdo. this hairdo reminds me of that japanese band Gackt.
I do not like that they already killed Jool. *sniff*
DCJ i like your spoilish spec about sebaceans.
now i must go to bed. i've had a splitting headache all day and it's getting no better.
tiggy, no Lexa is Rommie on Andromeda. Sorry, for the confusion.
BTW, am I the last person to know that Lexa Doig and Michael Shanks are married? She just had her baby.
wait, wait! is Lexa Grayza? i had no idea!
No, Lexa is not Grayza. I think that was just mentioned in this thread due to the Stargate connection.
Grayza is played by Rebecca Riggs.
I do not like Sikozu's hair. she was so pretty with that other hairdo.
I'm a little frightened of Sikozu's new hairdo (having seen it in the previews).
But Raylee Hill is still a Hottie McHottiepants, even while Very Orange.
Also, I did not realize
is in PKWars! I just spoiled myself looking at the cast list on IMDb.
ahh...thanks, quester. i just assumed since she as the only pregnant one on FS.
Raylee is a very pretty girl, but that hairdo does absolutely nothing for her. honestly? neither does the leather get-up. i like her old outfit much better.
I agree, Pilot sounds odd. I guess they couldn't get Lani Tupu to do the voice work, huh?
I just looked up the cast list on imdb and they're listing Lani as doing the voice of Pilot. however, they're also wrong quite frequently. i didn't think Pilot sounded any different, but *shrug*.
now really. to bed.
i just assumed since she as the only pregnant one on FS.
AAAAAHHHH!!!! That's what I get for continuing to read this thread when it hasn't aired out here yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stoopid!me. stoopid, stoopid.
sikouzo lighting the candles was pretty cool.