BTW, am I the last person to know that Lexa Doig and Michael Shanks are married? She just had her baby.
wait, wait! is Lexa Grayza? i had no idea!
No, Lexa is not Grayza. I think that was just mentioned in this thread due to the Stargate connection.
Grayza is played by Rebecca Riggs.
I do not like Sikozu's hair. she was so pretty with that other hairdo.
I'm a little frightened of Sikozu's new hairdo (having seen it in the previews).
But Raylee Hill is still a Hottie McHottiepants, even while Very Orange.
Also, I did not realize
is in PKWars! I just spoiled myself looking at the cast list on IMDb.
ahh...thanks, quester. i just assumed since she as the only pregnant one on FS.
Raylee is a very pretty girl, but that hairdo does absolutely nothing for her. honestly? neither does the leather get-up. i like her old outfit much better.
I agree, Pilot sounds odd. I guess they couldn't get Lani Tupu to do the voice work, huh?
I just looked up the cast list on imdb and they're listing Lani as doing the voice of Pilot. however, they're also wrong quite frequently. i didn't think Pilot sounded any different, but *shrug*.
now really. to bed.
i just assumed since she as the only pregnant one on FS.
AAAAAHHHH!!!! That's what I get for continuing to read this thread when it hasn't aired out here yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stoopid!me. stoopid, stoopid.
sikouzo lighting the candles was pretty cool.
Sixty days. Any regrets so far?
No, we're doing great.