heh. that was pretty messed up. this show brings a lot of those moments.
I don't know how i'm going to cope watching this show in real time. it occured to me more than once while watching episodes that if i had been watching when the show had originally aired i would have been driven mad. the cliffhangers! the heart-ripping angst! the deaths! ack! the mini is going to scar me for life, isn't it? and here i thought Joss was the king of angst. psh...
DW, who is not into sci-fi at all, walked in on me watching
and I gave her a quick synopsis of S1, and we ended up watching all the way through
Bone to be Wild.
Then I come home from a meeting last night to find her watching
Vitas Mortis.
So what appliance do 'Scaper conversions merit?
So what appliance do 'Scaper conversions merit?
Toaster microbes?
Nah, one of those DRD vacuum cleaners.
oooh! i got my mom watching. does this mean i get a DRD vacuum cleaner? if so, i want one like 1812.
I swear, I deserver a new computer from the Hensons for all the converts I've racked up.
One more week! Eeeeeee!
t runs around madly, flailing arms
runs around madly, flailing arms
I'm sure Henson Productions appreciates you showing your excitement in such a muppetty manner.
Stargate: Aquarium starts here this week. Worth it? Not worth it?
Also, looking at the
bigger picture,
if you will - no more Dr. Swann on Smallville. No more slyly inserted Supes themes. What to do?
Stargate: Aquarium starts here this week. Worth it? Not worth it?
Eh. I like it okay but wouldn't be upset if it died. It has about the same level of unrealized potential as the original Stargate, without (I feel) the engaging characters. But other people seem to like the characters a great deal.
If you don't go into it expecting the next Firefly or something, and are prepared for a certain level of Deeply Stupid Plots, you'll be okay. Pretty sets, pretty special effects, mediocre writing. ::shrugs::
If you don't go into it expecting the next Firefly or something, and are prepared for a certain level of Deeply Stupid Plots, you'll be okay. Pretty sets, pretty special effects, mediocre writing.
I'll give it a go, anyway. The first series of SG1 had the deeply stupid plots, but without the pretty sets, methinks. I reckon it'll be decided on the characters for me.
Also, there can be only one Firefly.