ooooh!! have you 'scapers seen this trailer? it's much more in depth than any other i've seen. probably shouldn't have watched it since i'm not finished with the series yet. i couldn't help myself though.
I have two eps left of season three. i'm still holding to season two being my favorite. though i do really like season three for the angst factor.
Kristin - I am sooooo with you on points 1 & 3 and on point 2 -- I am willing to believe that the SV creative team is unable to fact check back to the PREVIOUS episode. (By which I mean that they
forgot how old Lois was
when it came time to film this episode.)
I'm sure it was something like "Oh, crap
now that she's found Chloe
we need a reason for her to
stick around so she can
flirt with Clark and make
Chloe jealous but it has to keep her away from
because it will really screw things up if they do. Agh! I think I'm going to
(Okay, I had to work too hard for that one. I hope the slashers appreciate it.)
To which the other guy replies "I know, we'll just say she
failed highschool and has to repeat it.
"But isn't she too
"Hey, it's either that or we pull something out of our ass involving kryptonite. But we're already doing that for episodes 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 18, plus the special "fuscia kryptonite" arc we're planning on ending the season with. We don't want to be too repetitive."
There's only been one decent Clex moment, I think, and Clark wasn't even there.
When Lex volunteered about him to Lana, and Lana looked mildly perplexed (what? it may very well have been perplexed -- it's not like you can prove it wasn't) and said she hadn't asked about him.
Very "Clark likes carrots."
That's true.
Why are they keeping Clark and Lex apart?? Do they not understand the whole rationale for watching the show?
I want to see MR's version of the
expression on Chloe's face when Lois went up and ruffled Clark's hair.
Well, I imagine they're going to have to do something soon. There's only so many Lex and Lana in the Mansion/Talon and Lex and Lionel
though the prison bars scenes
they can do. I can't think of anything Lex and
really need to talk about now that Lionel's
put away.
Heh. JZ is screaming at the TV: "That is so fucked up! Ahhhh"
Farscape, of course. Nebari, John and
And she's entirely right.
BTW, Kemper says to hide the knives for the mini.
heh. that was pretty messed up. this show brings a lot of those moments.
I don't know how i'm going to cope watching this show in real time. it occured to me more than once while watching episodes that if i had been watching when the show had originally aired i would have been driven mad. the cliffhangers! the heart-ripping angst! the deaths! ack! the mini is going to scar me for life, isn't it? and here i thought Joss was the king of angst. psh...
DW, who is not into sci-fi at all, walked in on me watching
and I gave her a quick synopsis of S1, and we ended up watching all the way through
Bone to be Wild.
Then I come home from a meeting last night to find her watching
Vitas Mortis.
So what appliance do 'Scaper conversions merit?