I'm (now more rapidly) working my way through Fascape, and I just watched "Won't Get Fooled Again". Holy-
-on-Meth, Batman. This show kicks ass.
I've gotta go find some of the inital fan reaction. On the commentary, they were talking about people being squicked not only by the
scene, but by the possibly implied
"all this is stuff that John has fantasized about at some point"
which I completely did not get in my "reading" of it.
I am torn between cleaning and watching the next disc.
Heh. That latter point is really disturbing in light of
Crais in high heels
if it's true. Not sure what it says about
I find it rather more disturbing that John thinks Scorpius and Pilot should form a Jazz precussion group. All the other stuff has fairly conventional psychological explanations. But Jazz? That's just downright crazy.
Am I the last one in the world to know that Smallville is in syndication on the ABC family channel? On the upside, I discovered this when channel surfing by clicking right into an interview with Michael Rosenbaum. Mmmmm, that man has a lovely voice.
I'm (now more rapidly) working my way through Fascape, and I just watched "Won't Get Fooled Again".
oooh!! someone else who's with me on the new Farscape love. that ep was absolutely crazy. Out of Their Minds, the LATP 3 parter and The Flax are probably my favorite eps so far. The Flax is what 100% got me hooked though.
I really need the dvds. i want to see all the special features. i've dled all the seasons.
Well, given that the syndicated
on ABC Family starts today -- probably not.
Well, given that the syndicated Smallville on ABC Family starts today -- probably not.
There was a giant marathon yesterday. Or Saturday, maybe. They did
Gilmore Girls
Are they running early GG too?
I saw the pilot! So fun -- also Luke takes his hat off in the very first episode! And to think we thought that was revolutionary or at least meaningful when it happened last season.
Smallville pilot in 15 minutes.