(Side note: disposing of unused chemical weapons is very difficult, costly, and dangerous. It's a good idea not to make more than you're pretty damned sure you're gonna need.)
Well, it's not a chemical weapon that can harm anyone currently on Earth, right? So they could just pop the seal.
Well, it's not a chemical weapon that can harm anyone currently on Earth, right?
I kinda doubt they tested it for its effects on wildlife and flora, though. Or to see if it has long-term impacts on air or water quality.
Just because it doesn't kill human beings immediately doesn't make it nonhazardous to every other Earth-based organism.
Just because it doesn't kill human beings immediately doesn't make it nonhazardous to every other Earth-based organism.
They could just shove it through the gate to a world that's already a mess, like the original Tollan homeworld. Easy peasy.
Hell, they have ships that can fly to other planets in the solar system, don't they? I doubt Mercury has much of an ecosystem to endanger.
Or, you know... the sun. Doesn't even have to be ours either.
Well, to be fair, they could dispose of all hazardous waste that way. But it would be kind of expensive...
Would the SGC really keep enough of the stuff on hand to kill millions of Jaffa?
The Trust wasn't using what they stole -- they were using a new formula. No, I have no idea how they got what they got -- was it being stored in Area 51?
I kinda doubt they tested it for its effects on wildlife and flora, though.
They're evidently doing a bunch of stuff with retrieved artifacts behind our backs. I don't know if we can confidently posit what was or wasn't done without onscreen evidence.
As for the original Tollen homeworld, the gate's buried. But there must be others.
But it would be kind of expensive...
Do you mean realistically or SG1-ically? 'Cause I can imagine someone in power going "Hey, Prometheus! While you're up there do you think you could swing by the sun and beam some barrels of sludg into it? Thanks guys." Could also work with landfills.
They're evidently doing a bunch of stuff with retrieved artifacts behind our backs.
Sort of like the weather-thingy from a few seasons ago.
But you've got to figure in the environmental impact of having the Prometheus in the first place, and environmental justice issues having to do with pushing extraction offworld...
...I have too many thoughts. Hey, ita! Did you notice that they put thigh-holster action in just for you?
katie, check your email, wouldja?