But you've got to figure in the environmental impact of having the Prometheus in the first place, and environmental justice issues having to do with pushing extraction offworld...
...I have too many thoughts. Hey, ita! Did you notice that they put thigh-holster action in just for you?
katie, check your email, wouldja?
I kinda doubt they tested it for its effects on wildlife and flora, though.
They do love me. Oh, yes.
I think they should be forced to honour posted prices.
Their ToS is very clear that they don't.
Their ToS is very clear that they don't.
Well, yeah, pipe dream.
Web sites get to have ToSes. Isn't there an urban legend/real story about some ad that used the word "bananas" as currency, and someone showed up to buy whatever in bananas and they had to accept?
What happens if it's a newspaper price, and you hit the store before errata?
Isn't there an urban legend/real story about some ad that used the word "bananas" as currency, and someone showed up to buy whatever in bananas and they had to accept?
Wasn't the
Punch-Drunk Love
pudding deal based on a true story?
What happens if it's a newspaper price, and you hit the store before errata?
There isn't a news ad in the world that doesn't have "prices subject to change without notice" someplace in the tiny print. Okay, maybe in the world, but not in the US, where somebody probably went to court over it.
Suddenly I'm imagining the fraud lawsuits associated with that "Coke resurrects the dead!" advert translation in China.