The idea of Highlander 6 is WAY Scarier than 5 being made or the cartoon.
It would be number 6!
I actually caught bits and pieces of the last movie on....sci fi I guess, but I didn't see what (if anything) happened to Joe or Methos. If someone wants to fill me in I'd appreciate it.
If I recall correctly, Joe and Methos followed Mac around briefly, said the occasional encouraging thing, and, in Methos's case, ogled Mac's ass. I think they were in the movie because they have a fannish following, because they weren't really major players in the plot. Pity.
I think I missed the episode of SG1 where Teal'c gets his apartment and I'm having trouble remembering the episode from two weeks ago (my brain keeps blocking out that he has hair. He just looks wrong).
So I was wondering...does Teal'c know how to drive?
Yes. He told Jonas in... crap, some S6 episode... that Daniel taught him how in 1969.
thinks back to 1969...
Did they show him driving or am I just trying to fill in the blanks. I think maybe they showed him driving in that episode.
Yeah, I can't remember either.
Of course there was a "traveling" montage, so I assume he was taught along the way.
Teal'c did indeed drive in "affinity," the apartment episode, Askye.
A coworker saw my SG screen saver and gushed "Isn't it the best show ever?"
"No, not better than Angel, Buffy, Firefly or Wonderfalls, just for starters."
"Come on! The best Stargate ep is better than the best of any of those shows!"
Not many places to go from there, but I did get him to cop that SG1 didn't have all that many great eps in a season, but a whole lot of pretty fun ones (I can't hate more than one or two SG1 eps as much as I hate Beer Bad -- it's just not that sort of setup). Still, transfixed, he was.
I think there should be a rule that the person who can name more episode titles is automatically the one who is right.
At least this one time, anyway.
"Come on! The best Stargate ep is better than the best of any of those shows!"
You know I love me some Stargate, but, um, no. No, I'm with you.