A coworker saw my SG screen saver and gushed "Isn't it the best show ever?"
"No, not better than Angel, Buffy, Firefly or Wonderfalls, just for starters."
"Come on! The best Stargate ep is better than the best of any of those shows!"
Not many places to go from there, but I did get him to cop that SG1 didn't have all that many great eps in a season, but a whole lot of pretty fun ones (I can't hate more than one or two SG1 eps as much as I hate Beer Bad -- it's just not that sort of setup). Still, transfixed, he was.
I think there should be a rule that the person who can name more episode titles is automatically the one who is right.
At least this one time, anyway.
"Come on! The best Stargate ep is better than the best of any of those shows!"
You know I love me some Stargate, but, um, no. No, I'm with you.
No, I'm with you.
t sits with Katie and ita
Not better than Farscape, Angel, Buffy, Firefly, X-Files... Fun, yes. Competent and mostly engaging? Yup. Brilliant? Very very rarely.
Given that one of his bests was Broca Divide, I probably let the conversation go on too long. But I was so excited to find someone who knew some of the ep titles.
His opinion of Buffy was that it started to suck when the others started getting powers. "When Oz got bit?" "Exactly."
His opinion of Buffy was that it started to suck when the others started getting powers. "When Oz got bit?" "Exactly."
Where the hell is homeland security when you need them?
Sitting with ita, Katie, and Conseula.
Too funny. Ah, well, as long as he's happy. Misguided, but happy.
Yes, very misguided.
Of course, given where we are right now, it might be difficult to find somebody here who agreed with him!
I just watched The Peacekeeper Wars. It made me cry.
That is all.
Mo-om! Jessica's taunting!
...I don't really mind. (Was there hotness? And leather pants?)
Yes to both.
But I really can't give away any spoilers.
The pacing in the first half-hour is a little off, because they're trying to take things slow enough for new viewers to catch up. But once it gets going, it goes good.
(And, honestly, I'm not sure any new viewers are going to have a frelling clue what's happening, even with all the exposition. I think they could get sucked in by the characters, but I just watched S4 last week, and the plot still lost me in a few places.)