Scorched Earth.
And yeah, I like that episode. He really doesn't want to do it but given the choice between death for hundreds of real existing human beings and thousands of frozen not-living embryos, well... he chooses the living.
RDA really does well when he's caught in those ethical binds.
Scorched Earth. Yes. Thank you.
Kind of makes me miss the team on a mission format of the eps of yore. sigh Ah, well.
They must be able to wrangle an offworld foursome before the season's done. Please?
I'm pessimistic (without evidence, just extrapolating) about RDA being around for another season. I want it all -- now, if not forever.
I expect that you will find it unsurprising that I am in complete agreement with your hopes for this season and, sadly, expectations for any future ones that may happen. (Or, the more fun way to write it ... ITA with ita.)
Speaking of Stargate eps from tonight...does anyone think it's strange or did I miss an explanation of why Daniel is wearing glove all the time in the episode with the Nox?
I came in just for the end of the Nox ep, but I had never noticed that on previous viewings. Huh. No idea why gloves.
He's been hanging around with Jack too long? (And at some point I think Jack gave up the fingerless gloves, which is kind of a shame, I liked them.)
Either that or Shanks came down with poison ivy during filming? They were in the woods, after all.
They must be able to wrangle an offworld foursome
My mind went to a very wrong place at this point
They must be able to wrangle an offworld foursome
My mind went to a very wrong place at this point
there is no wrong place for that! mmmmm, porn!
(And at some point I think Jack gave up the fingerless gloves, which is kind of a shame, I liked them.)
I actually just recently read an interview with the costuming folks where they said RDA didn't like those because they made his hands sweat. So.
I'm pretty sure this was the same article that pointed out there had only been two Jack's-baseball-caps for the entire run of the show.