Thank you, Daniel.
Well, I was saying: satisfying in the long-overdue-comeuppance way? Satisfying in the "ah, I thought they'd completely forgotten about that continuity strand" way? Satisfying in the long flattering shots of sexy people way?
Wait, never mind, don't answer. I think I'm making up my own perfect episode.
"Sit down, Senator Kinsey," said Sam, asserting control over the meeting. "I think we've saved your skinny ass enough times to deserve a hearing out."
"Indeed, MajorCarter. On Chulak, one who spoke as the Senator does to warriors would be driven out of the village."
"Ah, point of order here, Teal'c," said Daniel, furrowing his brow. "These would be the warriors who brutally enslaved humans in the service of petty sadistic dictators?"
Jack broke in at this point. "As you yourself should know, Doctor Jackson, it's hardly that simple, and certainly we're in no place to judge another culture. Now if we could get back to the matter at hand, what's with this mysterious message Ahmonet left explaining her motivations?"
Spoiler for next week: Lana and Clark get mind-controlled by....get this...a mysterious e-mail. Oh, Smallville.
Really? Huh. In honor of BT, I was hoping for a mind-controlling ant parasite.
Has anyone mentioned that today is Rutger Hauer's 60th birthday?
Captain Kangaroo is gone. RIP Bob Keeshan.
Captain Kangaroo is gone. RIP Bob Keeshan.
Counting flowers on the wall,
That don't bother me at all.
Playing Solitaire till dawn,
With a deck of fifty-one.
Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo.
Now, don't tell me I've nothing to do.
An important part of my childhood is gone. RIP, dear Captain.
On a totally different topic (SG1), is it just me, or does Amanda Tapping look as if she's had something done to her lips betwen earlier seasons of SG1 and now? Catching the reruns, I kept thinking that she had a great smile, but she looks kind of different now.
I dunno, but WHAT IS WITH THAT HAIR?! I'm going to get
mixed up with the new girl.
hair is unfortunate. As is that shirt.
Why oh why does
Jonas Quinn
suddenly look like a fifth Beatle?
Well, it's actually kind of cute on him in a dorky way.
Hey, it's Gillian Barber, who will forever be known to me as Penny Northern. Man, I can't believe I still remember the name of a bit character from The X-Files from years ago. Ahhh, the first fandom...
Oh. A
unfortunate shirt. Is
going through its 1970s phase?