Next week's previews make him look very unBatman.
I am spoiled so all whitefont-y I go:
I agree. All the spoilers I have read seem to point to no - but - why call him Adam Knight? If that isn't a Batman-y name that isn't Bruce Wayne, I don't know what is.
Spoiler for next week:
Lana and Clark get mind-controlled by....get this...a mysterious e-mail. Oh, Smallville.
Tina, I'm just happy it's not another "Lana picks an evil guy" plot. (Yet.) Because if they do another one of those,I will heave.
BTW, ita, I turned one of your Tom Welling caps into a new LJ icon. Is that okay?
Is that okay?
I live to serve pictures of hot men.
Still, Mutant X was gayer.
Than Smallville? Angel has to break out Lindsey or the Queer as Folk alum writers to achieve that. What the hell did they do on Mutant X?
What the hell did they do on Mutant X?
Okay. There was:
gender segregation; sweat; men telling each other "I love you"; cuddling; leaning in for mouth-to-mouth; stroking after the mouth-to-mouth was narrowly averted.
It was a fun five minutes.
America is a little behind the UK on Stargate broadcast, right? Is it spoilerish to say that you've got a
episode coming up?
Argh. Long imaginative fun post, absolutely eaten.
Grr. Eddies in the space-time continuum.
Argh. Long imaginative fun post, absolutely eaten.
Nooooo! Must. Have. Entertaining Emily Words!
Eddies in the space-time continuum.
"And this is his sofa, is it?"