Boxed Set, Vol. 1: Smallville, Due South, Farscape
A topic for the discussion of Farscape, Smallville, and Due South. Beware possible invasions of Stargate, Highlander, or pretty much anything else that captures our fancy. Expect Adult Content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.
I'll spare you all the thingy I wrote today about gender-switching and heteronormative assumptions. Mostly because I want to read comic books now.
Dude, shrift, are you Broadband or Dial up?
I've been catching up with titles I don't have from the interbunny. I think when AtS ends, I know my new primary fandom. Err.
It's sort of back to the beginnings, for me. I've gone Batmad.
Dude, shrift, are you Broadband or Dial up?
Dial up at home. For now, and unfortunately.
It's sort of back to the beginnings, for me. I've gone Batmad.
Me, too! I mean, I was addicted to the animated series when it was on, but now I'm hoovering down comics and DVDs of the animated stuff like it's crack.
It's probably on my Top Ten I Wish I'd Written.
Oh, was it good? See, I can't even remember these things.
You know, I'm all for suspension of disbelief, and I'll put up with a lot of hand-wavy inaccuracy, but there's gotta be a line. And the idea of a police officer getting a drug of unknown but certainly dangerous kind all over his fingers and then rubbing his nose and eyes? It's on the opposite shore.
It's all part of his cunning plan to get to cuddle Blair, Emily.
Not terribly cunning, now is it? Besides, the cuddling mostly seems to happen when Blair gets hurt.
Ah, much more of the show is becoming clear now.
...oh my God, Jim has Munchausen-by-proxy!
Can I just mention how not suspenseful a helicopter chase over open water is? They're hiding behind ships, which, okay, but if the other helicopter just went... higher....
See Clark? If you don't stop it, you'll go blind.
Wow. This is the dumbest Smallville I've seen in a while.
Sure, there are 24 minutes, left, but still ...
Argh. This, of course, would have to be the only episode so far this season I've actually managed to get someone else to watch with me. Of course, we missed the first 20 minutes, not to mention I've only seen bits and pieces of the season so far, so we were both pretty confused. All I could do was promise that the Season 1 DVDs would show her the way and the light and the HoYay. Sigh.