You know, last night was the first of the abbreviated RDA appearances that I thought was written properly. If he's only going to be around half as often, it'd bloody well better be a good half, you know?
But every line felt like the Jack I'd fallen in love with.
Poor Carter.
the abbreviated RDA appearances
Is this a permanent thing?
Yeah, what's up with that?
He's requested time to spend more time in LA with his kid(s), IIRC.
It's so endearing.
It really, really is (endearing).
t /end pout
I hope it works better for us than ASH's disappearance from Buffy.
He's actually on-set something like nine days out of the month, if I remember correctly - they're filming three episodes at a time and saving up all the Jack-scenes to do in big lumps. Apparently they were doing two Sam's-in-danger episodes at the same time at one point; Michael Shanks commented later that he was doing scenes where he wasn't entirely sure what Sam's problem was, but she was in trouble and needed help, dammit!
I hope it works better for us than ASH's disappearance from Buffy.
Well, there's been half a season so far -- how did it feel to you?
Katie, where did you get the info? Is there an article or interview out there?