I always thought it was "tuchus".
I actually had to look it up a few weeks ago for a beta, but damned if I can remember. I think Emily's right.
It's a Yiddish word, so technically there is no one correct spelling in English. I actually used the word for years before knowing it was Yiddish, but never saw it spelled, and assumed it must be spelled TOOKUS, and was laughed at roundly when the word-provenance fairy came for a visit. But tookus is no less a legitimate spelling than tuchus, just like shmuck sometimes has the C after the S, and sometimes doesn't.
Selma and the other sister love him so much
Who? MacGyver, or RDA himself?
Aging Sean doesn't do it for me. It might be the very fake hair, but I'm not sure what. I prefer him in Dr. No to almost all other looks.
Ditto. Connery still has the voice and the 16 tons of charisma, but the looks did take a pretty heavy hit from Father Time. Brosnan could still be doing swimsuit calendars if he were so inclined.
RDA's actually improving, in my eyes.
Part of that is the fortunate absence of 80s hairstyles.
But tookus is no less a legitimate spelling than tuchus, just like shmuck sometimes has the C after the S, and sometimes doesn't.
Huh. Sorry, shrift.
Makes me think of porcupines.
Hey, at least that's just external.
Fair enough on the spelling, Nutty, but spelling it "tuchus" makes it look more like Yiddish, and thus makes me pronounce it right.
Sean Connery should do a guest shot as 007 Pierce Brosnan's dad, just like he did for Harrison Ford in the Indiana Jones movie.
Sean Connery should do a guest shot as 007 Pierce Brosnan's dad, just like he did for Harrison Ford in the Indiana Jones movie.
"We named the *dog* Double-Oh Seven."
Not that Bond movies are any great examples of cinema verité, but I think that would be just a little too meta a joke for my taste.
See, now I'm imagining a chagrined Bond explaining to Q "He had lasers for eyes and could turn into a car...I loved that dog."
Didn't Jessica Alba's character on "Dark Angel" have cat DNA that made her go into heat just like a cat? Maybe it'd have helped ratings if she'd also ended up mating like a cat.
Yeh, I think she did, though to be honest I stopped watching after the first three episodes. I guess I couldn't jive with it. Maybe the undertones were too contemporary for me, for a show set in the future.
Speaking of time and 007. When Roger Moore took on the role, he was older than Sean was when he (Sean) quit the role.