RDA is one of the best agers ever. My god, he's hot.
And although he's hot just standing still, letting pictures be taken, he's so infinitely improved by the motion and the talking and the facial expressions.
Normally I'd have said that someone like George Clooney ages well, but he's been evenly hot all along. Or there's Johnny Depp who's not aged at all.
RDA -- he's just piling the hotness on as the years go by.
RDA was my first media crush, back when he was on General Hospital. It's been nice watching him age so well. Or just watching him, really.
Anderson of Stargate:SG1. He's lovely and grumpy and heroic and loyal and fierce.
Oh, I want those pants.
And now I realise my search for silk pyjama bottoms should have been in menswear.
Pierce Brosnan strikes me as the gold medal winner in the "aging well" competition.
To me, he's as pretty as he always was. Like George Clooney. Which is, very.
RDA's actually improving, in my eyes.
No wonder Selma and the other sister love him so much. But so not for me.
Pierce Brosnan strikes me as the gold medal winner in the "aging well" competition.
I'd vote for Sean Connery.