Like I said, I saw all of 15 minutes last night, and now terribly, terribly need to see the rest.
Victor, I sadly do not have the series on tape, nor disc, but if you have not HBO of your own, please notify me immediately, and I shall endeavor to tape the whole thing for you, when it gets rerun, which it certainly will be.
And I feel the whole thing is up to the 15 minutes you caught. It will thrill your little heart out, I'm sure.
It re-airs tonight on HBO at 11pm Eastern. (Not sure what time the West Coast folks get it, as they have a separate HBO feed.)
It re-airs tonight on HBO at 11pm Eastern.
I think he needs it from the beginning, though.
Got that about Victor, but didn't someone mention only seeing 15 minutes of the most recent one?
I'd definitely argue for the OC talking happening here--since Due South talk is low, and Smallville less than the OC, we could TAKE OVER AND RULLLLLE!
We might want to change the thread title, though...leave Farscape in since they're getting more, and take out Due South, or something? Though I guess Season 3 of that is coming on DVD soon, so there'll be a little more talk, I imagine.
There will be no removal of Fraser and his life partner Ray [insert last name of your choice], thank you very much.
wasn't supposed to be the TV thread.
I'm just thinking ... the groundswell of OC love and the preponderance of digushion (hee, hee, pun!) about its many wonders ... could it hurt to ask about a thread once the move is made? Worst that happens is a "no" by whatever means such things are decided. I mean, I haven't seen the show, so, no investment here, but the love runs high, deep, and across many threads. Is all I'm saying. But I also followed the discussions that lead to this thread's creation, and I know there are a honkin' lot of varied viewpoints about shoulds and shouldn'ts, threadwise. I s'pose that's what the voting is for?
This so wasn't supposed to be the TV thread.
Yep, exactly. So... that leaves us with Natter or PF or a random hijacking of other threads on a roving basis. It would be like spot The OC discussion.
Just kidding on the last bit.