Oh, come on, Titanic killed Leonardo diCaprio. For that alone, you have to smile.
Betsy and Ple are me.
I will spare you all my smartypantsedness about how Smallvillian ideas of the 72-hour hold make no sense at all, complete with "Yes, hello, committing a felony during a psychotic episode doesn't mean you won't go to trial eventually!" and "It usually takes psychosurgery to cause permanent anterograde amnesia, and not only is it
amnesia you want to cause, Haldol and a straight jacket won't do the trick!" Whoops, too late.
The only upside to these recent developments is that now? Prison break from Arkham Asylum!! What fun!
Confession: Hec and I watched The OC last night, and now we cannot stop saying "That's very minty of you."
Also, on the rare occasions that we do manage to stop, we find ourselves mouthing the word
at each other, with inappropriately enthusiastic hand gestures.
Wow. Conversations in your house must be exciting....
Oh, I remember, trust me. But Seth starting to disrobe the first time he gets horizontal with Summer? Dude!
I'm going to go on record as saying that's the hottest make out scene I've seen in a very long time.
I'm going to go on record as saying that's the hottest make out scene I've seen in a very long time.
Oh, hell yeah.
I'm troubled by that, but I think that's because I like trouble.
He just got so hot, and that "awe and delight"?
Oh, MAN.
I taped it last night while I was at class, but I still have to watch it. And now you guys are making me want to go home right now and watch it.
I have a thing for buttons being difficult. The scene had just enough awkward mixed with the hot to hit all my vanilla kinks.
The scene had just enough awkward mixed with the hot to hit all my vanilla kinks.
It was so sweet! (is this helping, Steph?) He was still geeky, but not in a dealbreaking, can't-kiss way. You could tell he wanted them both, and that Summer was the realisation of years of focus.
Well, he is wearing that really silly outfit.
It is a little silly. But I've seen siller, like... the outfit they put on him in the time-travel-to-the-60s episode. And the outfit they put on him when he had to watch his parents die over and over again, and the royal robes in the addicted-to-the-sarcophagus episode... I'm seeing a pattern here. Is it a contract requirement?
Are any of those worse than Sam's outfit in that femlib episode?