I adore Summer.
Summer's lines to/about Chip were PRICELESS:
Smoke another beer Chip!
I haven't understood a word you've said all night. You finish shrooming, I'll be back later.
(Or, you know, they were something like that.)
Californians - When Summer said that Pittsburgh was the 909 of the East - what/who is she slamming?
Although I like to think that's similar to my own appeal....
Hmmm. You photograph really well, and move like an arthritic bear emerging from the cave after a winter of hibernation. But you know...in a sexy way. Of course, the back surgery could've been a factor.
When Summer said that Pittsburgh was the 909 of the East - what/who is she slamming?
I assumed 909 is the area code for Riverside.
909 area code covers Riverside and Chino, and the rest of the "Inland Empire" (most of San Bernardino County).
t eta
909 actually covers cities in LA, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties.
move like an arthritic bear emerging from the cave after a winter of hibernation.
Ack. One always hates to hear how others perceive oneself.
Note to self: do more yoga.
Ack. One always hates to hear how others perceive oneself.
Awww, I was just teasing. It was mostly your tentative self at the LA F2F. You were fine in SF. Honestly. If you
moved like an arthritic bear I would never say that to you.
Pittsburgh was the 909 of the East
As a newly minted Pittsburgher, bwah! I mean, hey!
Apparently parts of Google may be relocating here. I'm not sure whether that makes the city cooler or dorkier.
More a *nimble* bear, then?
(This is totally off-topic, but does anyone else now have that that dog song about "Why'd you take away my 213?" going through her head? Or is this a Lyra-specific reference?)
More a *nimble* bear, then?
A sleek little black bear running through the woods of Paramus. The bear-ishness was just your tentative movements in LA where you were verrrrry careful about rotating on your spine. I don't think of you as bear-shaped or any such.