The only way I can rationalize stealing a whole bottle and not just a pill as not being stupid
It was a liquid.
Plus, grabbing a bottle is faster and provides more info than grabbing a pill or pouring liquid onto something and having it chemically analyzed.
Plus, yeah, this is Clark.
I was figuring he planned on having it analyzed, because just stealing one bottle wouldn't really harm the uncle's ability to keep her drugged. I wasn't sure if the bottles were labeled - or he could have just tried to remember the specific name of the chemical.
I believe that it's Gary Graham of the 'Alien Nation' T.V. show.
I don't think that was Gary Graham. I certainly didn't recognize him. Not that I would complain if he got a part besides The Bitchiest Vulcan Ever on Enterprise.
Looked him up. Christopher Shyer. Looks like your typical Canadian actor.
I wasn't sure. Though it doesn't seem that Ma and Pa Kent, with their history of money problems and the family history of flipping trucks would spend so much on one for Clark.
It seems to me that you could catch considerable price breaks on a truck if the driver didn't need things like a working engine. Just drill holes in the floor and let him travel Flintstones-style in it.
Christopher Shyer.
Knew he looked familiar. Hannibal Lector dude on The Practice that Lindsey blows away.
So I just watched Farscape's "Taking the Stone" for the first time and I was, er... a little confused. Was it just me, or the accents, or something, or was it really kind of unclear what the heck was going on?
Katie, you are right. It's entirely unclear what's going on.
Taking the Stone is actually kind of an irritating episode, Katie. It's not just you.
Oh good, not crazy. I mean, sometimes I'm just not paying attention, so I wondered if I'd missed something.