Or even just x-tra sparky men.
I read this as "sparkly," and thought "So, members of boy bands, then?"
They should take a hunk of kryptonite and make a knife out of it for just such an emergency.
Hee. Kryptoknife. Hee hee.
Why am I so damn loopy today? Jesus.
But what if it was like obsidian, and might leave slivers of itself behind?
This is not how a cock throbs.
Not unless someone is doing something seriously wrong, anyway.
Oh dear loward...
Whoever wrote that awful Ds badbadbadfic was obviously competeing with Bill O'Reilly for Worst. Sex. Scenes. EVAH!
I forgot to comment on this:
This is not how a cock throbs.
If my cock ever throbbed like a toothache, I would be VERY SCARED OF WHATEVER WAS WRONG WITH IT!!!
it throb like?
t props chin in hands
What does it throb like?
More like a measured pulse until it reaches capacity, at which point the extra pressure (if you were that excited) is a very pleasant sensation indeed - nothing like a toothache. Though I would note that having a very serious erection of this type is quite an urgent feeling. Again, not a bad thing.
David, I've bookmarked that.