I could settle for Faith murdering Lana mercilessly. Or angstfully, that could work too. Especially if they showed Lana for the Antichrist she is, because then Faith would have no choice but to pull out every hair from her perfect scalp one by one, and then? The fingernails!
Oops, was that me?
I meant to say, clearly I wasn't paying attention 2 weeks ago, because I was under the impression that Lex was deliriously malarial on his little Survivor Island For One. But this week he mentions that he hasn't been sick a day in his life since age 9. Hm. I was so sure, because I remember remarking that Hot Doctor Luka was malarial too, and he got to find God and kiss Carter, neither of which Lex got to do.
Dude, the only thing I've got in my head right now is Faith/Lana
Hee. That's exactly where my brain went as well. Because Faith vs. Lana? No contest.
Well, you know, it's possible that Faith is trolling America, trying to contact young girls who have suddenly shown an upsurge in strength and deadliness....
I was under the impression that Lex was deliriously malarial on his little Survivor Island For One. But this week he mentions that he hasn't been sick a day in his life since age 9.
Maybe he doen't consider that being deliriously malarial 'being sick' like staying home with the flu sick. I like to think that home with the flu sick is what he's talking about.
Well, you know, it's possible that Faith is trolling America, trying to contact young girls who have suddenly shown an upsurge in strength and deadliness....
t dies laughing
Lana the Vampire Slayer. Someone must write it. (But it should not be me.)
Will do.
Yay! Because, yo, you'll do it the justice it deserves.
Hee. That's exactly where my brain went as well. Because Faith vs. Lana? No contest.
I dunno - it's possible that poreless, frictionless skin could be a big advantage in a fight,as the blows of one's opponent slide off harmlessly.