Vonnie K, I was loving the Big Gay Hug. I'm convinced that there was ass-grabbing just off-camera.
Plus, Lana kicking ass? spoilerfont
and killing a guy?
WTF?? Subtitled, Yet Another Page Out of ME's book.
on edit -
You wish you were watching Smallville with Amyth right now, like I am. Trust me.
"His sincerity is so insincere."
"Joy buzzer!"
"He may not be able to do a line reading, but he does a great smile."
(I think TW was dying his hair first season. Hmm, new Dido...)
"It's the gayness. Keeps us apart."
During the big hug sequence I half expected Lex to say "What? No kiss?"
During the "Want to be a part of your family" part, I was waiting for "Can I have your son's hand in marriage?"
And was that MIGUEL from Passions in the promos for next week?!?
You wish you were watching Smallville with Amyth right now, like I am. Trust me.
It doesn't start for an hour here and I really wish I were watching with smonster and amyth...
It occurs to me that the Goauld should be much gayer.
Yeah, I'm going through an SG1 backlog.
Early S1 is so cute. Sam is the only one that still seems the same. Teal'c is getting the hang of his accent, and is smaller than he is now. Jack's hair is the wrong colour. Daniel's more of a Spader impersonation than he is now.
But the bit where he sees Sha're and says "Jack ... help me ... please" if you subtract the context from that entreaty -- it's so damned vulnerable, I'd totally layer it into a song-fic.
It occurs to me that the Goauld should be much gayer.
Huh. They always seemed pretty gay to me. Not that they shouldn't be
gayer. Just that I thought of them as gay already.
I don't recall any same-sex host relationships, though. Am I missing any?
body count
cracks me up. Especially since
nobody (good) ever actually kills anyone. People just find out about Clark and then accidentally die in really violent ways.
I don't recall any same-sex host relationships, though.
I'm sure I'm not the only one whose brain went straight to "but this isn't the Angel thread".