Back a bit...
I'd heard that the episode was written specifically as a way to get the kiss.
I thought I saw something that indicated that the episode where Daniel goes through the mirror was the one written specifically to circumvent the Air Force's insistence that they can't have a romantic relationship.
I too have spent the summer trying to fill the void in my heart where Buffy once lived. Stargate helps, but for a girl who loves her layers it's less vidalia and more
Nothing is filling that space.
Though the gaping hole (because I didn't have time to prepare) is my OC shaped hole. Dammit! Hook me and dump me? What's that all about?
As a crank-antidote, here's the X-Men Comicverse Overview. I don't know if the folks who take the fandom more seriously would be a bit miffed at the generally irreverent tone of the overview, but it sent me, who has never read a single XM comic book, into helpless paroxysms of giggles several times. And there I was, thinking how difficult it would be to summarize BtVS to the newbies....
Hook me and dump me? What's that all about?
groupiebob, no. I'm trying not to process that my disproportionate rage at being temporarily deprived of The OC is not much other than re-channelled Firefly anguish.
Thanks, though.
I didn't have a chance to read the whole X-Men thing, but it's very well and fairly done, especially for the morass that is a) comics and b) a huge seller and therefore frelled with at every turn by its owners.
I maintain that the playoffs were the original catalyst behind the demise of
and the reason that nothing of any value will ever survive Fox.
Bit in the butt by that one.
have to deal with the playoffs in it's first year?
Nope. 24 started after the playoffs, partially because they wanted all 24 episode to run with a minimum of breaks.
This is from a couple of days ago, but I thought I'd comment.
Okay, I watched my tape of Highlander "The Gathering" and now I'm thinking that they intended Richie to be an Immortal all along -- esp. after reading the synopses of the 2nd episode where he is searching for his "real" parents.
It's never made clear on the show, and if I remember correctly it's one of those things that behind-the-scenes stories on differ. It's always seemed likely to me, though.
Canada allows fewer commercials to be aired than does the US. This means that we have an extra 4-5 minutes in an 'hour' long show. So in Canada there
a clear explanation on the show. There was apparently a lot of confusion about this issue, with all the Canadians not really getting why people were confused.