It felt like all she cared about was the slash, to the detriment of oh, plot-related issues. But perhaps I am misremembering.
Wait! I am misremembering. It was the Firefly overviewer, not the SG-1 person. She was waaay into Simon and didn't even have anything to say about Book. I was annoyed.
Ah, that makes more sense. Yeah, I felt bad for Book too.
Y'all *have to* read the X-Men Comicverse one. I nearly died laughing, and I know nuthin' about the Comicverse, outside of what I know from the movies.
And the SG-1 overviewer has too much slash-colored glasses on.
Perhaps you meant the Firefly overview? I was irritated by that one, not because of the slash-focus, but because of the giggly high-school-girl tone of the overview. Blech. The SG-1 overview was just skimpy.
The one doing the Buffy overview also annoyed me witless with her "I know ALL the cool people in the fandom!" proclamations, but I was PMS'ing severely that day, so maybe it was just me.
X-post with 'Suela!
Also, unwitting numberslutting! Woo-hoo!
Damn, the one time I was going to try for 1000!
I will sit here with my 999 and palindrome 1001 instead.
Edit: I may possibly be avoiding doing my September monthly report. Must go work.
Kassie of Kassie and Lar fame. (Some names, like Nestra and Shrift, or Sheila and Te, I just can't separate.)
I had to stop reading when the overviewer(?) says that Faith was the slayer called when the Master killed Buffy. I mean...Kendra was no Faith, but you just can't skip right over her.
Did anyone start a fandom kerfuffle by posting corrections?
Did anyone start a fandom kerfuffle by posting corrections?
Corrections were posted, no kerfuffle was started.