Hiya Abby! Long time no see! How's things on the left coast?
I love it when worlds collide.
Call centre, yep. aka soul destroying empires of evil. (my brother worked in one. Not a pleasant experience).
It's funny to watch the maritime tv stations here. Get caught up on the local controversies.
Time to call my housesitter and make sure the VCR is working...later all
Boo! Nora and I were just watching the Spacies, and Angel won for viewers' favourite series. The award was accepted by Steve DeKnight in the "Ratio Hornblower" outfit. Sadly, he did not honk his thanks.
People say Wesley has the power because Wesley has the Old One. That ain't it at all. Wesley has the power ... Wesley has the power because he'll let the Old One out.
They goddamn don't understand that! And they goddamn don't understand Wesley.
If Wesley says he'll let the old one out ... HE WILL let the Old One out.
I think Wesley is going to bore the old one to death with his sleeping and yammering.
Hey, she already puts up with his snoring. That's closer than most relationships, even if she does make him sleep in the chair.
(Dude should finish the basement or build a heated workshop like any self-respecting man.)
build a heated workshop like any self-respecting man
Like Lindsay's basement workshop? That was really heated. With the FIRES OF HELL!
Like Lindsay's basement workshop? That was really heated. With the FIRES OF HELL!
I did say "self-respecting". Lindsay doing all that cavorting with Eve, just to try to make Angel jealous? Please.
And in Lindsey's case, it's just pre-heating anyway.
Lindsay seems to have acquired Connor's hair in suburban hell. I wonder if that was part of the package.
It is a horrible fate to befall him.
If the unfortunate hairstyle is the only thing Lindsay picked up from Connor, he'll be the luckiest fallen-lawyer-warlock-wannabe ever.
ETA: I've been rereading the LOTR Very Secret Diaries. Sorry about the semi-permanent effect.