The dust can be pretty allergenic... or perhaps there's a creepy Files & Records person lurking in the stacks?
I went to a going away party for my good friend that was held in one of their meeting rooms. I was getting a bit more congested as the day progressed, but after two hours in this room with a 20 year old, scary, orange carpet, and I could not breathe through my nose at all, and my voice was almost completely gone.
I still have no voice, and I'm pretty congested...if it's still gone tomorrow, I'm going to go to the doctor.
(BTW, if you & Elena are wondering who's this "Forodwaith" person that friended you on LJ, it's me - I finally got around to signing up for an account.)
Cool!!! I'm not a frequent LJer, but I'm trying a bit more lately.
Oooh - I'll scurry off to LJ at some point today.
So, this Wonderfalls show? I find myself less than interested in it. Part of the problem is that I don't really understand people who are determined to be unhappy. But my main problem with the most recent episode is that I don't really understand people for whom religion plays a part in their lives.
I find the snarkiness of Jaye less and less endearing.
Really, because it's snark with no purpose. She's not a person I'd want to hang around with, and she's not particularly entertaining in her awfulness...
I'll probably keep watching since hey, what else am I doing on Friday nights. I noticed that the promo this week said "from the creators of Malcolm in the Middle".
My television watching is practically nothing. I'm thinking of taking up exercise or possibly writing a book with all my new-found spare time.
and when the deathmatches are over, you'll have ooodles more time.
Oh, hell yeah.
I'll maybe even get some of this paperwork done, she said, looking balefully at the ever-increasing stack.
See, I'm liking it more and more.
Really, Sue?
What is it that attracts you? Because it could be that I'm just cranky.